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Calia Dezire Dalito Walts

"Aye aye aye be quiet" The dude hair I cut yelled since nobody was listening to him.

"Tarzo. Don't yell in my momma house" Saint mugged him

"I've been saying be quiet fa 5 minutes now. My PO is on the phone" he said

"So why tf you ain't go outside" Nasiah said

He ain't say nun before putting the phone to his ear and walking out.

"Stupid fuck" Saint mumbled turning the music back up.

"I'm hungry" I mumbled to Samara

"Me too I want Chick-fil-A" she said

"Ouu that do sound good. One of they shakes." I said

"Come on" Amoura said

"We don't have a car." I said

"Semaj" Samara tapped him

"Lemme use your car." She said

He shook his head no.

"Why not" she smacked her lips.

"You gone crash my shit" he said

"No I'm not" she said

"If you do ima beat yo ass momma not here to stop me" he said handing her the keys

"Let's go" she smiled

We walked out and since I was the last one out the door I was gone close the door.

As I was turning back around I bumped into somebody and they knocked their juice on me.

I smacked my teeth shoving the figure back and he shoved me back way harder.

"Watch the fuck out" he pushed me out the way going in the house.

"What happened" Amoura asked looking at me.

"He knocked his juice on me" I said wanting to cry.

My outfit was cute asf.

"Come on go change then we can eat" Samara said

I walked in the house mugging Tarzo the whole way in the house he just smirked the whole time.

"What happened to you" Nasiah asked making Saint look over at me

"What's wrong"

"Yo stupid friend knocked his juice on me" I mumbled

"Which one" Saint asked

"Him" I said pointing to him

"Don't point. But Tarzo bitch ass" he asked

"Don't play me pussy" Tarzo said not looking up from his phone

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