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"You make a mf wanna kill they self" I said pushing AK

He just stared at me...

"I love you mama..." he said

"No you don't" i mumbled packing up my suitcase

"....with all my heart." He finished his sentence smiling like a dumb ass

I didn't say anything.

"Can you talk to me instead of running away?" He asked

"You don't  listen to a word I have to say" I said

"I'm listening." He grabbed me making me bring all my attention to him

"You don't show me no love" I said

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Achilles.. when was the last time we sat down together and actually talked or how we used to be?? When we would watch tv or lay up with eachother?? You always busy you never say I Love You or hug me or kiss me! When Kasiyah was in the mental hospital where tf was you! I was going through it by myself! I felt so alone" I said letting the tears fall down my face

He stared in my eyes and pulled me into tight hug.

"Im sorry, mama.. it hurt me to see you cry and hurt cause of me.. I'm sorry I've been absent I was trying to make you happy with materialistic things...  I was building you a house tryna get it done before your birthday.. I was also helping yo dad and brothers out with some other things.. I'm sure they'll fill you in. That's not even important I was so wrapped up in other shit I wasn't really focused on you and my family. I promise from here on and out I got y'all" he kissed me wiping my face "I love you" he said

"I love you too"I mumbled wiping my tears.

He pulled me back into a hug hugging me tightly.

I pulled out the hug and sat on the bed..

"You rmb when we had first got married..."he started

I nodded as I watched him take a seat in front of me

"And I took you back to the hood?" He chuckled

"I still can't believe You never took me back to get the nachos from the corner store" I mumbled rethinking that whole night..

"You know why we couldn't go back and get the nachos... it wasn't my fault." He chuckled

I rolled my eyes.

"It was yo idea that made us not go back and get em but carry on" I said

"You said you wanted a house in that area .." He said

"Yea I wanted to build a couple there" I said

"And you know the big White house you said you wanted.." he said pulling out his phone

"Yea...." I said a bit skeptical

"I wasn't moving y'all back to the hood but I built you a house right outside of it." He said showing me the picture

I froze

"I slept with Dooda" the tears formed in my eyes



NO SHE— Wtf!!!!

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