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Calia Dezire Dalito Walts

"Ma'am?" A doctor walked up to me

"Yes?" I perked up

I felt his mother looking at me before she stepped in front of me

"I'm his mother" she mugged

"Oh ok," she paused and looked down at the keyboard

"I'm so sorry for your loss.. But Karim White has sadly passed away.. he had an unknown liquid transported into his Blood bags which went through his body slowly before it went to his head and that's what caused his death... we don't know what the liquid is but we are trying our best to figure out. We've did everything in our power to save your son but it was out of our jurisdiction" she gave a sincere smile and walked away

I stood there in shock.

"This is your fault" she turned me yelled at me


"What?" I asked

"Why are you yelling at my child" my mother pushed me back

"If she wasn't here everyday she wouldn't have put my son in danger. She let the world know where he was" she yelled causing a scene

Tears fell from my eyes... she is completely right. It's my fault,

"Then your crocodile tears! Piss off" she yelled walking out the hospital..

"I'm sorry to interrupt but the doctor would like for you guys to identify the body." The same nurse came and tapped my shoulder

I nodded.

"You sure you wanna go by yourself?" Saint asked

"Yea I got it.." I said

"Follow me" she nodded

When went to the upper level and she directed me into a very cold room with lots of, drawers?

"Right over here" she pulled one of the drawers out revealing a person under a white cover..

"Are you ready?" She asked

"Give me one second." I mumbled

Bro... I was just talking to him.. if I would have never gave him the bright idea to sneak out he would probably still be here..

"Ok I'm going to pull the cover back she said..

I nodded.

She pulled the covers back making me frown my face up.

"That's not him" I said

"What?" She said confusingly.

"Karim Sakye White isn't White he's black... ion know who the hell that is" I wiped my face.

She paused for a minute...

"This is Karim Makye Black.." she said

"Oh? Find Karim Sakye White please" I said

"Yes ma'am..." she lead me out the door .

"You can wait in the waiting room I'll find you." She said





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