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Calia Dezire Dalito Walts

"I love you Ima see you later, ma" My pops said pecking her lips and rushing away to get in his car to answer his phone.

I looked over at her and she sighed.

"I'm finna go in the house and cook... you going to Tarzo house or your coming in?" Her voice got low

"Ima come in ina bit. You want some from the store?" I asked

"Pecan ice cream and A LFE water" she said going in the house

I grabbed my phone calling my dad.

"Yo" he said

"I ain't never said anything like this or ever thought it but I hope she do divorce you if you cheating on her. She finna go in the house and cry cause you just rushed away as soon as that phone rung." I said

He was quiet for a minute.

"I'm not cheating on her, I've said it multiple times. We've been married for 18+ years. Our anniversary finna come up. I'm not no li ass kid no more I'm grown as shit! Who tf gets off on cheating on they wife when she top every bitch out here. That shit lame. Omk." He said

"Ok. She said you don't touch her anymore and you always tired." I said

"I'm tired because I'm working all the time. And wym I don't touch her? I'm not talking to you about my sex Life Calia" I said

"You work at a Barbershop you can't be that tired. And I'm not talking about in a sexual way. I'm saying like it could be as simple as holding her and pulling her into you while y'all sleep. Just make her feel loved, safe, and wanted." I said

"I don't just work at a barbershop stop playing with me. And I have more going on other than running 3 businesses." He started "if she felt like that she could've let me know" he said

"You know how momma is" I said

"Where she at" he sighed yawning

"She say she finna start Dinner but she finna go cry" I said

"I'm finna come back" he said

"Grab her some pecan Ice cream and 2 LFE waters." I said

"Ok. I'm down the street you can lock the door I have a key" he said.

"I'm finna go with Tarzo. But I'll lock the door." I said

"Mmcht. Why you tryna grow up so quickly." I said

"I'm finna be 18.." I said

"Rite. But gone head and be smart." He said hanging up.

I looked at my phone about to Call Tarzo but realized he was pulling up.

I smiled slightly and got on his car.

"Hiii" I smiled

He smiled at me leaning in and kissing me.

"Hey, what you wanna do today" he asked placing his Hand on my thigh.

"I'm tired. I wanna watch movies and sleep" I said

"Good." He chuckled

"Wym?" I asked yawning

"Nun. Where you want food from?" He asked

"Uhh Pizza Hut." I said

"The kids there too... we can get them like 2-3 pizzas??" He asked

"2 should be enough.. but get 3 in case" I said "get 5 pizzas in all and get some Cinnabon's and some wings. Honey barbecue boneless" I said

He nodded getting out the car.

"Gimme kiss" He leaned in.





Reaching under the seat I grabbed his gun and started firing back.

"Tarzo" tears beamed in my eyes blurring my vision.

I wiped my tears and tried getting him back in the car.

"Please Tarzo don't die on me." I said as he helped stand himself up but went limp again.

I got him in the back seat and started the car.

I looked back  and seen he had multiple gun shot wombs.... One was lunged in his stomach, his neck... and one in his head...

"Tarzo.." I whispered, my voice coarse

He started coughing up blood.

Pulling up to the hospital I ran to the back opening the door then running to the people inside telling the my Boyfriend has been shot.

They rushed out putting him on a gurney rushing him to the back.. but midway they stopped running and started walking.

I busted out crying.

Someone came and lifted me up.

"Yo You gud" he asked

I gave him the meanest mug.

"Bitch do it look like I'm good?" I asked pulling away.

"Bitch watch yo mouth" he said

"Fuck you" I walked away wiping my tears.

"Can you call me when Karim White is Stable?" I asked leaving my number

She stared at me and nodded smiling.

Fuck is she smiling for... wit ha old ass.

I walked outside and paused when I seen his blood everywhere.

I slammed the back door getting in the drivers seat.

I saw his blood on the door and all on my clothes.

Sliding his gun back under the seat, I put the car in drive and let it drive itself back to his house.

Lord please let him be ok.

"Ma Dukes💜 FaceTime Video" the car called out

I felt my heart speed up.

I answered it wiping my eyes .

"Hello" my voice came out strained

"Umm.. who is this" she said

"This is Calia, I'm a friend of Karim.. and Ma'am I am so sorry but-"

"I can feel it" she cut me off "where is he" she said

"He's in the hospital, I couldn't stay in there" tears fell down my face

"Are you Saints little sister" she asked

"Yes Ma'am" I said

"I know who you are." She nodded. "Saint asked are you ok." She asked

"I should be asking you that ma'am" I said

"My son gone pull through. He's strong and healthy" she said

Lord I hope so.

"Well ok I have to go in the house and feed the kids" I said staring off into space

"Ok. Wait Saint said do you have Karim's phone?" She asked

"Umm I don't know it might still be in the car." I said

"He said if it's not in the car you have to go back and get it immediately" she said

"Umm ok..." I said

"Well ok Sweetie if you have time. Call me later I would like to meet you in person" she said and hung up...

"Ok.." I mumbled getting out the car but then again... I froze, My body ran cold..




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