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"I'm so over you go get losttt! Boy who do you think you are" I sung sweeping the kitchen

"TRUST AND BELIEVEEEEE MEE!" King sung washing dishes

"Your gonna need me!" Kaia small voice sung as she stood on the stool cleaning the counters

"Gone head then Choir" Tarzo smiled

"Tarzo" Kaia jumped off the stool

"Hey Phat Phat" he picked her up kissing her cheek

I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug.

"Y'all missed me" he asked releasing us from the hug.

"Sure" King said wiping his hands on the cloth

"What he said" I yawned pausing the music.

"Yes!" Kaia said

He laughed

"I'm hungry asl" he yawned looking through the fridge

"You want me to cook? Hey y'all" she smiled

"No I want you to go get undressed" he said

She stood there looking at us as we all looked at her.

"I was serious. And start the shower. Y'all want some wings and pizza?" He asked everyone

"Fasho!" Sin said from the couch.

"I was talking to my kids." Tarzo said

I looked at King and Kaia and they looked as surprised as me.

"Why y'all looking like that" he mugged

"We yo kids?" King asked

"Well duh." He said

"Awe" Kaia said

Which made me chuckle.

"Ima leave before y'all hurt my feelings. Saint order them some to eat." He said

"DeMari🖕🏾" Siri called out

I grabbed my phone and went upstairs to my room

"Hello" I answered

"Wyd" he asked immediately

"Nothing why?" I said looking in his background because it didn't look familiar

"Can I come over?" he asked

"Who you with? And where is you at?" I mugged

"I'm wit my hbs, why?" He asked

"Is that why you calling me so you could prove a point or some?" I asked

"Lmaooo, nahh I'm in the bathroom he pulled the camera back, ion wanna be with them no more and I thought abt you, so can I come over? Or you can't have company?" He asked setting the camera up,

"I don't know I would have to ask." I said

"Awe, you like my outfit stink?" He smiled

"Yea you cute" I chuckled

"I ain't talked to you in forever" he sighed

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