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Karim Sakye White

Moving Calia off of me I sat there for a while before looking at her.

I remembered she took my percs and put them in her bra.. so I tried seeing if she still had them in there

I sat up slowly and tried to figure out how I was finna move her shirt before saying fuck it but she started to wake up causing me to immediately fall and play sleep.

I sat up slowly and tried to figure out how I was finna move her shirt before saying fuck it but she started to wake up causing me to immediately fall and play sleep

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"Mmcht. Tarzo.. I'm not stupid what was you just doing" she said sitting up staring at me and I continued to lay in that same spot.

She shook me and I started stretching

I groaned loudly and yawned

"Good morning fat butt" I said leaning over pecking her lips.

"Mmcht you wasn't sleep" she rolled her eyes getting up.

"Yes I was" I followed her to the bathroom

"Get out I'm Finna pee" she said

I stared at her before smacking my lips and walking out the bathroom waiting on her

Once she was done she opened the door drying her hands

"Where yo toothbrushes" she asked

I sat her on the counter and grabbed a tooth brush out of the cabinet and handed it to her and we both started brushing our teeth.

"You taking me home" she asked as I grabbed her helping her off the cabinet

"Yea.. you hungry" I asked slipping on slides as she did the same.

"No" she said

"Well I am" I mumbled "I want a home cooked meal tho" i said

"You want me to cook for you tonight?" She asked putting her seat belt on

"You can cook" I asked surprised

"Yes..."she had a confused look on her face

"Oh snap I got a good one" he said "almost made me show you off on social media" i said

"Lol" she chuckled

"I wanna do some shit today" I said pulling into Wendy's

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