Chapter 2

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"Hey, I know you don't know me but I'm new , and apparently I have the wrong dorm.". " Do you know where the boys dorm room is?" All i could do was stare at the Black Hair, Green Eyes guy in front of me.  " Eric?" I gasped which caused Kayla to jump to my side. " Lana are you okay..who are you." Kaya asked eying the boy who was staring at me intensely.

"Have we met?" the boy asked. I tried to speak but nothing came out so i just stood there. " I'm sorry, Who are you?" Kayla asked looking back over at the guy. "Oh sorry, i'm Eric Summers." " Eric as in..." Kayla looked over at me, then back at Eric, then back at me. "HOLY SHIT!" Kayla yelled almost choking on air. " I'm sorry did i miss something?" Eric askedlooking at us werid.

"Ummm not really." Kayla answered holding me up since my body went weak.". " Right, ummm it's the building next to us that your looking for.". " Thank you." Eric nodded with a smile before walking away. " He's real!" I whispered stepping back. Kayla right by my side. "Lana what is happening?" Kayla asked. " Who was at the door and why do you look like you're gonna pass out?". " What is going on?" Sarah asked running over to us.

"He can't be real....he's a dream." I studder trying to click everything together but my brain wasn't functioning correctly. " Lana just breathe maybe it wasn't him." Kayla smiles softly as i sat down on my bed. " Kay did you not see him... Black Hair, Green Eyes, Named Eric." I stood up shaking my head just as James knocked on the door walking in.

"Woahh, you look like you just saw a ghost, you okay Lana?". " I'm not sure right now." I breathe." " You still willing to go out?" James asked. " What , yeah right lets go." I answer getting off the bed. I grab my jacket and grab James's hand as he lead me out the door. "Where to now." I ask the tension slowly easing out of me. " Well if i told you it wouldnt be a surpise."

I smile over at him and squeeze his hand. " You know i don't like surpises." " Well to bad you're gonna like this one so get over it" James smiled opening up the door to his 2019 Dodge Charger. " Fine, but only this time." He looked up at me and smiled closing the door. We pulled out of the drive way ans i turn the radio on. I smile as Simple Plan fills the car.

We pulled up at Olive Garden and I smile as he opens the door. "Lets go." he smiled grabbing my hand gently. I look down and smile softly to myself. " My name is Daniel, and im gonna be your waiter today." a tall gorgeous guy says. " What can i get you guys to drink." "I'd like a coke." I reply. " Same here." James said looking up at the man with a smile.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." Daniel replied walking away. "You didn't have to do this." I say looking over at him. "Yes i did." he replied back causing me to smile softly at him. After ordering a Chicken Fettuccine and James ordering Lasagna we ate in silence talking about small stuff here and there. He pays for the food and we talk back to the car.

"So can I ask you a question?" I ask looking over at James who was looking straight ahead as we pulled out of the parking lot. " Always." he replied glancing at me . " How long have you actually liked me?". " A while." he smiled a small blush hinting on his cheeks. " As in?" I ask with a smerk. " As in a few years." James said pulling into a parking lot. "What?" I asked not being able to think of anything else to say. "Yeah but hopefully soon ill have you." he smiled opening the door.

"Maybe." I reply tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and smiling at the ground. I look up to see a cliff. "What is this?" I ask looking at it. "You like to be adventerous so heres a adventure." James smiled grabbing my hand. I look down intertwing our fingers causing a smile to form on james's face. After walking 30 minutes we reach the top of the cliff.

"Now what?" I ask looking over at James who was looking threw a bush. "What are you doing?" I ask laughing. "This." he repiled pulling out a large duffle bag. "Hidding a dead body I see" I laugh. "You wish." James smirked back at me. He pulled out a giant blanket and a pile of different foods. "What is this?" I ask again.

"We're gonna watch the sunset." He replied wrapping a extra blanket around me. I smile at him and cuddle into his side. "That's so sweet." I smile. "Good now eat up." I smile grabbing a few grapes and strawberries. "It's beautiful." I smileas the sky turned Orange and Yellow. " Yeah you are." He whispers causing me to smile at the ground again.

"I love sunsets." I say glancing over at him. "I know." He smiled wrapping his arm around me. "It's getting late i should take you home." James smiled at me. "Okay." I sigh with a soft smile. We pull back into his parking spot and put the parking pass back up locking the door as we left. " Well this was actually fun." I laugh surpised. "Thank you he replied back.

I lean in and kiss his cheek gently then move back. He step closer to be gently touching the side of my face causing my breathe to catch before he gently pressed his lips to mine. I put my hand on his neck pulling him closer before pulling back a minute later. "I gotta go" I reply with a small smile and head back to my dorm room.

"So how was it?" "Do you like him?" "Are you gonna make cute little babies?" "Are you gonna get married?" Sarah, Nicole, Jessica and Kayla shouted as soon as the door opened. "It was good." I say looking at Sarah. "Maybe." I say to Nicole. NO!! I say to Jess who just frowns and sits back down and "No Kayla it was just the first date i'm not marrying him. I laugh.

"Can i change now i reply turning around and walking to the bathroom." "Hey Lana." Kayla said making me turn around. "Is it Eric?" she asked with knowing and caring eyes. I small smiled at her which was all it took. She walked over to me engulfing me in a hug. " Its gonna be okay Lana trust me." she  said soothingly. I relax in her arms taking the hug that i needed despreatly.

"Go get changed well be right here when you come out. "Thanks." I smile hugging her again. "I love you Lana." Kay smiles. " I love you too." I smile back and walk to the bathroom.

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