Chapter 7

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"What's up?" I ask looking worriedly at him. Eric looked at me touching my face. "These past months have been amazing and i love you more then anything you know that right?" "Eric, what is it?" I ask a little more harshly this time. "Are you breaking up with me?" "What, no but it's hard to say." "Look, I am transferring." "What...Where?" "To New York my mom is up there and she needs me.

"Lana, please look at me." "How long?" I ask not looking up. " I leave tomorrow night" "Okay and how long have you known""About two weeks" "And you wasn't gonna tell me." I yell. "Lana please listen to me." "No we've been dating for almost a year and you're just telling me this the day before you leave." "I'm sorry."

"NO." I yell yanking my hand away as tears stream down my face. " You could've told me when you decided not the day before you left Eric." " Look I love you Alana and that hasn't changed and never will." "Please don't break up with me." "You're leaving for another state Eric and didn't think to let the person you say you love know until the day before you leave."

"Long Distance doesn't work and I don't do cheating scandals. " " I can't." I say walking back out the door closing it behind me and sliding down the wall next to it.I get up coughing on my own tears and run straight into Alex who was with this tall pretty brunette girl. "Lana." Alex calls letting go of the girls hand and walking over to me. "Not Now." I say running the other direction.

"Lana hold up." Alex said chasing after me. "Hey Lana my god what happened?" Alex asked but instead of answering I grab him into a hug crying harder. His arms tighten around me hugging me into him. "I'm sorry." I apologize letting him go. "It's okay, really it's fine are you okay?" " Yeah I'm fine ...I think me and Eric just broke up. "What...why?" "Ask him." I sobbed now that my tears slowed down.

"I gotta go." I say kissing his cheek softly. I hesitate before pulling away and run to my room. Running around the corner I stop shaking the thoughts out of my head before walking into my dorm. Kayla and Sarah were sprawled put across the beds reading some magazine when I walked in."Woah you look well alot of things." Kayla said putting the magazine down.

"What happened?" Sarah asked getting up. "We broke up I think and I wanted to kiss Alex. I said sounding dead inside and confused. "Wait what?" Kayla asked walking me to my bed. "So you and Eric break up after 7 almost 7 months and then you almost kissed Alex?" "How and why did that happen?" Kayla asked sitting down beside me along with Sarah.

" He's moving away to New York and he didn't tell me till now." I reply my voice getting louder as the shock wore off into anger. " Okay when is he leaving?" "Tomorrow he's leaving tomorrow and he told me today like I was gonna be okay with it." "Okay and the Alex thing?" Sarah says this time looking at me intensely.

I almost kissed him." I looked up to the girls who both looked surprised and confused at the same time. "But you didn't." "No I didn't but I wanted to but me and Eric just broke up and I would never do that to him ever." "Oh my god come here." Kayla replied pulling me into a comforting hug. I let her hug me gladly taking it and start bawling again all over again. "Hey stop right now I hate seeing you like this."

I lay down with the girls each beside me and fall asleep. I wake up to a arm over me and the sun shining into my room. I look over to see Sarah's face smothered into my neck and her arm tightly around me. I smile at her gently moving her arm so I didn't wake her up and sitting up. I look over and see Kayla passed out in her bed and look at the clock. 10:45 am.

I smile at my best friends still feeling dead inside and walk outside. Walking into the dorm hangout spot I sit down in the giant couch and flip on the TV snuggling into the blanket Eric gave me for our 6 month. "Hey its Lana right?" I look up to see the pretty brunette from yesterday. "Uhm yeah you're Alex's girlfriend right?" I ask sitting up.

"Not really I'm pretty sure he has feelings for you." "What makes you think that?" I ask looking over at her. "I can just tell but what's wrong you looked like you're best friend died yesterday." "Me and my boyfriend broke up I think." "You think?" Ashe asked looking confused. "I'm Amara by the way." She smiled.
I smile back and shake her hand I'm Alana but I go by Lana. "But wanna talk about it." "He's transferring to New York. I sigh and look at my fingers.

"Okay so no long distance I'm guessing." "I'm not really into it so we got into a fight over it." "About him moving?" Amara asked. "No because he didn't tell me until yesterday." "Oh, when is he leaving?" "Today around 3 I think he didn't really say he just said today." "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." I replied. "Do you love him?".

"Yeah more then anything." "Then instead of being mad at him for not being here spend you last couple hours together." "Its obvious he loves you and you obviously love him too so thats all that should matter." "You're right." i smile getting up. "Go get your man." I hug her tightly running to the doors. I didn't stop until i hit the boys dorm room. I walked to his room knocking gently on the door.

"Hello?" "Eric I'm so sorry i shouldn't have acted that way i love you and as long as you're happy then that's all that matters to me." "Lana I'm sorry too I didn't know how to tell you."Eric said opening up the door. "I get it." i smile "I don't wanna leave you it's the last thing on earth i want to do but." "But your mom needs you Eric go help her."

"What time do you leave." "In like three hours." "Good." i smile pushing him into the room. Alex was in a early class which i already knew and at this point i didn't care. I lock the door and walk back up to him. "I love you so much." I say kissing him hard. He didn't even think twice about it pulling me into his body and kissing me back. I pulled back looking into his green eyes.

Taking my hands i slide them down his body to the end of his shirt pulling it up and over his head. "Lana are you sure." "Yes." i reply locking my lips to his. I jump up wrapping my legs around his body as he lays me gently down on the bed. I smile into his hand as he gently cuffs my face. "You're so beautiful." I smile kissing his hand as he slowly unbottons my shirt.

I connect our lips again and smile into the kiss this is finally happening. I smile. I roll over wrapping my arm around his bare body and smile. We both knew it was over even if we didn't want it to be but we layed there for another minute in each others arms just looking at each other.

"Its time to go." "I know." Eric replied looking over at me. "I don't want to." "Ill walk with you." I reply."Okay lets go." We got dressed and walked to the door.
A car was waiting for him outside the driveway to the college.

"Don't forget me please." "I never could you'll always be in my heart" Eric smiled at me gently kissing me with such love i didn't want to let go. "I love you so much Eric Michael Lowell." "I love you too Alana more then you will ever know." "Go before you're late." I say kissing him again. I watch the car drive away and feel a tear roll down my face.

You'll always have a piece of my heart.

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