Chapter 3

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I walk back out in my mini shorts and a tank top. Sarah, Nicole, Jess and McKayla was sitting on my bed with a box of chocolates. I smiled at them and laying down i place my head on Kayla's lap. My body relaxed at the feel of Sarah's hands through my hair. "Okay so what happened did it not go well?" Nicole asked with a concerned face.

"Yeah, it did." I replied looking up at the ceiling. " But Eric." Kayla said taking the words right out my mouth. "Yeah." I sigh looking over at her. "You love him don't you?" Kayla smiled softly. "That's just it Kayla I love the dream him but now that its reality its just too real for me." " What if he isn't the same person?" "What if he's different."

"What if he isn't though...what if hes your soulmate you won't ever know unless you try." Kayla smiles. " Okay well can you fill us in so we can know what the heck is going on?" Sarah asked. "I know Eric." I reply. "I mean a dream version of him." "Wait you had a dream about newbie before you even knew him?" Nicole asked sitting up on the bed now. "More then one." I said back. "She's been in a year long relationship with himin her dreams." Kayla stated.

" So you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't know you?" Jess asked. "Yeah kinda but i thought it was just a fantasy." "I didnt know he was real." "Until he showed up." Sarah breathed with wide eyes. "Omg that explains why you looked like you were going to faint when he knocked on the door." Sarah replied with realization in her eyes. "Okay so you don't like James?" Jessi asked looking confused." I do it's just."

"You're already in love with a dream verison of Eric." Nicole said softly. " Yeah." I reply. "Well you should tell James before you hurt him." Kayla sighs. " I know." I groan closing my eyes. After the girls left a few hours later I lay downturning over to look at Kayla. " So are you gonna tell him?" "Who Eric have you lost your mind." " Maybe but you never know." Kayla smiled as i turn off the lights.

The sunlight shown through my  window shinging down on me. I stirin my sleep before slowly opening my eyes. I lay still as the warm sunlight hits my skin. Looking over at a still passed out Kayla i smile at my best friendn and get up. I take a shower and walk back out into my dorm room dressed in my black mini shorts and my rainbow riffle tank top.

I throw on my socks and sneakers and put on my mini bookbag walking out the door closing it quietly behind meas i did. I turn my phone on to Colton Dixonand put in my headphones as i walk down the sidewalk. I smile as Limitless quietly plays in my ear soothing me as i breathe in the fresh air. "Lana wait up." Eric said. My heart skipped a little as i turned around to see his green eyes looking at me.

"Okay good i got your name right." I smiled softly at him tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. His black beaine pushed his hair back showing off his gorgeous features. From his perfect jawline to his even more perfect smile. " Can i ask you a question?" he asked softly with a smile. " Yeah..Uhm sure." I reply back shifting to my side. "How do you know me?"

"What?" I ask looking at him confused. " The day i knocked on your door you whisperd my name like you couldn't believe i was standing in front of you." I shift again looking at the ground."Hey." he asked moving my head up by my chin with his finger. His eyes skimming my face with concern and intrest. His skin felt smooth and cool against my skin sending chills down my spine.

" Oh are you cold?" Eric asked putting his jacket around me. A blush betrayed me crossing my face as i look up at him. "My dreams." I answered. "What?" he asked looking at me in pure confusion. I take a deep breath and smile a half smile. "I've had a relationship with you for a year in my dreams." "I thought it was just a fantasy about some gorgeous guy, but then you walked up to meadm its like it became too real for me."

I blush looking back at the ground. "Wait you think i'm gorgeous?" Eric said causing me to blusha deeper red. "Uhm i mean yeah i do." I reply. "Well, Thank you so are you." I play withthe end of my silk black hair as i look up at him. He smiled at me again and i knew it was the end. " I should go, but first i need to do something." I say stepping closer and placing my lips on his gently.

I pulled back a minute later and turned to walk away but not before he grabbed my arm twirling me towards him and smashing his lips against mine again. I pulled back and look at him. " I really should go." I say running off. I stopped around the corner and touch my lips. "Woah." I breathe leaning back against the brick wall. "What am I doing." I ask but i knew it was too late i was in love with him wheather it was the dream him or him in general but i did.

I take a deep breath and walk back to my dorm room. "I need to tell James." I said as soon as i closed the door. "Okay what happened?" Kayla and Sarah said looking up at me at the same time. "I kissed him." I answered. "Who?" Kayla asked looking over at Sarah who was looking just as confused as her. "Eric." "What!" they both harmoinzed at the same time. "Okay, then what happened?" Sarah asked.

"Then he kissed me." i feel a bush hit my face again for the thrid time and i blink. "Oh my god." Sarah replied with pure astonishment."Yeah then i ran." I finished stitting down on the bed. "Uhmmm okay, so what now?" Kayla asked sitting down beside me. "I don't know but i need to tell James I can't be with him but i dont wanna hurt him Kay." " I'll talk to him." Kayla smiles touching my leg.

"Okay." I smile softly back at herlaying back on my bed. " And you need to go talk to Eric, miss go kiss your dream guy and then run away." " Shut up Kayla." I laugh rolling my eyes. " I'm just saying." Kayla laughed. " Okay, ill go talk to him but after class which i need to go too." I reply getting up and hugging Kay and Sarah before walking back out the door.

I smile to myself as i walk into class sitting in the back like i always do. " Lana your in this class," I heard a voice i know a little to well say. My breath caught in my throat as i look up to see Eric standing beside me.

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