Chapter 8

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I breathe in as a tear falls from my eye i turn around and walk back to my dorm room. Lana there you are Alex said his blonde hair all over the place. "What's up?" I say straightening up. "He left didn't he?" "You knew?" I asked mixed emotions burning in me. "He was my best friend of course i did." "I thought he told you already."

"But when you ran I wanted to know what happened." "So I went back to the room and asked him what he did and he said he told you." "Amara told me she talked to you and you went to talk to him so i..." I smile at him kissing him gentely on the cheek. "Thank you for caring so much Alex." I reply hugging him. I breath in his scene and smile into his chest when he hugs me back.

"You really are the sweetest." I say touching his face. "Makes me wish I met you first." Alex leans into my hand placing his over mine. I look up at him lifting my head to see him better. My heart sped up as he leaned in a little his fingers intertwining into mine. "Uhm." I say stepping back. "I should go find Kayla and Sarah." I drop my hand from his face smile at him softly and sprint for the dorm room

"Oh my god there you are." Sarah yelled hugging me. "Woah i was only gone for a few hours i didn't die." i laugh. "We didn't know where you was." "Sorry." I said sitting down on my bed. "Okay what's wrong?" Kayla asked sitting down beside me. "Nothing." I lie looking down at the floor. "Okay we've been your best friends forever Lana we know when your lying." Sarah sighed touching my arm.

"What's wrong?" "It's a long story." "We have time." Kayla grinned. "Ugh... okay so Eric left to take care of his mom and i was crying and Alex was there and he looked all cute and .." "Omg you kissed him." Kayla yelled interrupting me. "No... but i wanted too." "Ummmm then why didn't you." "He's Eric's best friend Kay." "Okay and you guys broke up."

"You better grab him up before someone else does." Sarah chimmed in. "I don't want him to be a rebound, i actually care about him guys." "Than take it slow but go claim your man before someone else does." I smile at my best friends before getting up. "Fine." I take a deep breath and open my door.

"Lana can i talk to you?" i look up at the way to familiar voice. "I was just going to look for you." I reply looking at the ground. "Lana, look." Alex said grabbing hand which made me look from the ground to our hands. "I'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable or anything." I look up him this time. His beautiful blue eyes had a worried look in them which automatically made me wanna hug him.

"No it's okay, you didn't." I replied. "Good you know I'm here if you ever wanna talk." "Thank you." I smile. "So have you talked to Eric." "Yeah umm about a hour ago he got there he's on his way to his mom now." "Good...But i gotta go...uhm i have a date tonight so i was heading to her." "Oh um okay have fun. "Thanks." Alex smiled kissing me softly on the cheek before walking down the hall. I smile as he ran his hand through his hair turning a corner.

I sigh and walking back to the room. "That was fast." Kayla teased. "He is going on a date." "Oh." Sarah replied looking over at Kayla. "Okay so Fight for him." "Kay i just got out of a long term relationship and maybe this is how its suppose to be."  Okay then don't." Kayla shrugged. "I'm not even sure if i even like him like that." "Umm Lana he's hot as hell, Sweet, nerdy, but also jocky like dude hes literally your type. Sarah laughed.

"I'm just gonna go walk or something." Okay they both smile softy at me. I close the door behind me walking out to my car. I drive to the beach and head to a close diner near by. I smile to myself as the smell of hamburgers and Pizza hit me in the face. "Hello my name is Julie and ill be your waiter." a pretty blonde women said walking me to my table. "Would you like something to drink?" "Umm a Coke please." "Ill get that right to you." she replied sweetly walking away. I breathe out and look up. Just then my heart stops for a milli second.

Alex's hair was perfectly styled and he was smiling and laughing. I looked over to see a adverge height Girl beside him. She was really pretty for what i could see. Her short Dark hair was in a cute messy style and she had on a dark red tank with a black leather jacket over it. My heart hurt for a second but i shook it off and stood up just as he looked up. "Lana?" Ignore him. I tell myself. "Hey.. what are you doing here?" "Getting something to eat and thinking." "Ummm how's your date." Just then the girl walked up beside him grabbing his hand as she looked over at me.

"It's going good." "Skye this is Lana she's a good friend." "Lana this is Skye." "Hey." i waved fully looking at her. She had on Black skinny jeans and this literally to die for black boots. "Hey... Alex im ready to go." she smiled. "Right we were just leaving it was good seeing you." he smiled leading her out the door gently placing his hand on her back.

Just then my phone started to ring. "Hello." i say. "Hey... i heard that you have feelings for Alex it's cute." James says and i can hear the smirk through the phone without seeing it. "I don't have feelings for him." i sigh. "Okay then sure." "What do you want?" i snap without meaning to. "Someone is grumpy." I'm sorry i just have alot on my mind.

"We all wanted to know if you wanted to come chill with us at the Mall then watch a movie." "Yeah sounds good." i reply hanging up. I smile at my friends as Kayla jumps on my back thirty mins later. "Hey guys ." i say before dropping Kay to her feet as we walk into the mall. "SHOPPINGGGG!!" Nicole, Jessica, Kayla, Sarah and I shout at the same time. Yessss. We laugh causing the boys to shake there heads and laugh.

"Be back in a hour girls the movie starts in a hour and a half and we have to get our seats and stuff." "Will do." I shout as we run around the corner. Soooo i totally need this Kayla gushed holding up a skin tight black dress. "That's cute." I smile at her. "Oh my God this is so cute." Nic squealed plucking a silk red dress off the rack. "That is cute." I say grabbing a black one just like it. "Yesss twins." Nic laughs.

"Okay but this would look so cute with that dress." Jess said walking up to us with these beautiful black boots with straps on the back and a zipper on the side. "Those are really cute." I say taking them from her. "Oh lets see if we can find another pair." Sarah smiled looking over at the boot section before wondering off with Jess.

"Sooo how are you?" Makayla asked looking up from the shirts she was looking at. "I'm okay i guess." I reply with a small smile. "What happened?" Nicole asked peaking around the mini skirts section. "Eric and I broke up." I reply looking over at her. " And now she realized she might or might not have feeling for her friend Alex. "Oh...Who's Alex?" Nicole asked walking over to us now.

"He has a girlfriend anyways." "He went on one date." I wouldn't call that a girlfriend." Sarah Chimed in walking up to us Jess right behind us. "I'm guessing were talking about Alex." she laughed holding the same boots but in white. "Yep." Nicole and Kayla laugh. "Are you gonna actually tell him?" Sarah asked smiling at me.

"Let's go before the boys lose it on us." I laugh. We pay for our things and head out laughing. We catch up with the boys a few moments later still laughing at something Nicole said. After watching the movie and almost getting kicked out for laughing to loud during a horror movie we head back. I drive alone blaring my music as loud as it can go and smiling to myself.

Maybe i do like him. I think to myself pulling into the school and parking in my spot. I walk to my dorm room and change clothes. I walk back out to see Kayla laying in bed texting im guessing James. "Night i say smiling over at her before laying down in my own bed. "Night." she smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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