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Everything seemed to be going back to normal. Michael was getting help and our friendship was getting better. I was with Becca and I couldn't be happier. I was with the girls of my dreams. Things couldn't be better.

I laid in bed clearly awake but my sister didn't get that hint. She walked in dressed like she was going to the beach "Lets go were going to the beach." She plopped down on the bed as I just looked at her "Why?" I groaned rolling on my stomach with my face in the pillow "Jessica, and Niall thought of it." I groaned again "Becca will be there. She is going swimming to." She said walking out. Becca was going I had to go. I had to see my girl in a bikini.

We headed to jessicas house picking Mikey and her up before going and getting Becca, Ashton, and Calum. We pulled up to there house. Dani honked as they headed out. I sat in the middle so I could sit next to Becca. The boys climbed in Calum next Jessica in the back and Michael next to me. Ashton sat up front with my sis as we headed out to the beach. Niall and Liam were there waiting for us. "Hey guys!" Niall cheerily smiled waving at us as we got out. "Ready for a beach day?" I asked smiling. I chewed on my bottom lip looking over at Becca she looked so pretty. Her hair was in a messy bun she was in a blue dress. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"Come on love." Becca took my hand as we walked down to find a spot on the beach. "This looks good." Ashton said putting down a blanket then the things he brought. I started putting down my towel with Beccas stuff. We sat there talking before the rest of them left to get in the water. I didn't realize I was staring at Becca till she snapped me out of my trance "Sorry you're so beautiful." Her face turned a pretty pink as she smiled looking back up at me "Thanks." She kissed my cheek before standing up. "Come on." She held out her hand as we headed to the water.

It was beautiful out and the water was pretty warm from the heat, we hung out in the water all day. It was getting later in the day as we just sat in the water talking "Hey wheres Zayn today?" I asked looking from Dani to Niall and Liam. They just shrugged before going back to talking. I pulled Becca in my lap kissing her cheek softly I played with her fingers as I heard them talk about tonight. 'Well my mum is gone tonight. You guys can come over and we can just watch movies and drink." Ash said looking at us.

"Sounds like a goodnight mate." Mikey stood up wiping the sand off and heading back to the towels. "Come on babe your turning red." Calum helped jess up as they followed behind. We followed after drying off and sliding on our clothes. "I'm headed home to shower so I can drop you guys off." Dani said throwing things in the back. "Alright that works." Ashton climbed in next to Danielle. I wasn't sure if they were doing this relationship thing or not.  They were hard to figure out. I sat next to Becca and mikey again. Dropping everybody off. We got back to our house.

Dani came down in her shorts and a sweater. "I feel over dressed." I looked at my skinnys and band t shirt "Go change then." She opened the fridge grabbing god knows what. I went back upstairs sliding on shorts coming back down. "Ready?" I asked walking to the door. She just followed as we drove over to ashtons. I walked right in then grabbed a beer sitting next to Becca. I kissed her softly then looked back at the guys "Hey lads." "Hey. Ready for tonight?" Ashton and Danielle laid on the couch cuddling with eachother. Niall, Liam, and Zayn walked in "Hey mates." We looked up smiling and waving.

We watched some movies and drank. We turned the movies into a drinking game. I can't remember the rules but we got pretty wasted. I passed out somehow holding Becca on the couch as everybody found places to sleep. I woke up before everybody seeing no Ashton or Danielle. I rolled my eyes having a good idea what they did. Cal and Jess were missing to. Those damn nasties can't they keep it in there pants. I looked back at Becca smiling. My life was I thought.

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