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Cassandra pov

It's about time for the meeting to start. Soon one comes in. Then two. The first one is Marius. Then Grauantare. He has got a wine bottle in his hands while Joly, Bahorel, and Jehan walk in. Soon after a few minutes a man with brown hair and brown eyes. He looks cute. I look to see in his arms is a small boy who looks around four years old. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Both look very pail. They both go and sit in the back with the boy on his knee. He looks up and we make eye contact for what feels like forever but was actually one minute. Soon Enjolras catches my stare and looks to see what or who I'm staring at. He sees the man and quickly pats my back. ''Let's start the meeting, shall we?''

I quickly ask, ''Are there any new members?''

''We are.'' Says a small voice in the corner. I look and it's the two boys.

''I'm Courfeyrac and this is Gaveroche Thénardier.''

''Welcome the Les Amis L'ABC.'' My brother greets with a slight grin. Soon the meeting is over and people start leaving. I soon see Courfeyrac and Gaveroche go to leave so I quickly go up to them.

''Pardon me. I'm Cassandra Apollo.'' I say tapping Courfeyrac's shoulder. He quickly turns and for a moment I saw his eyes widen.

''Your pretty.''

''I beg your pardon sir?''

''Gaveroche!'' Courfeyrac scolds.

''I'm not wrong, am I?'' Courfeyrac blushes a bit and so do I.

''Anyway. Bonjor madamosielle. Is somthing wrong?'' Courfeyrac asks.

''I'm sorry if I'm being intrusive but is this your son? Brother?'' I ask.

''No. We're just good friends. Gaveroche, why don't you go and see Marius.'' Gaveroche smiles and runs away. ''It's been one year since I found him.''

''What do you mean?'' I ask.

''I was walking past an alleyway when I heard a child's voice start scolding someone but cut short. I went to see what the matter was and he was getting battered by two large men. After they ran once they saw me I went and took the boy home. He told me that his family told him to run off, that'd he'd have better luck on his own. I've taken the role as his father figure and he's always came back.'' He says as a tear starts to roll down his cheek. I give him a sympathetic smile and wipe the tear away. He looks in my eyes and I give him a hug which he gladly returns. We hug for a few minutes just relaxing into eachothers embrace. We pull away from the hug and sit down at a table.

''I'm sorry. It must've been torture to tell that.''

''It's fine.''

''So. Is there anyone special in your life?''

''Not really. Only Gaveroche.''

''Only Gaveroche?''

''Not many ladies are looking for a man with a son.''

''Well that's just crazy.''

''And why is that?''

''B-Because just because of a boy mean that you shouldn't be off limits.''

''Thank you.''

''Well I'm not wrong, am I?''

''No, your not. What about you?''

''What about me?''

''Anyone particular in your life?''

''No. Just Enjolras.''

''Brother?'' I nod. He smiles a bit.

''I best be going. We have a rally tomorrow.'' I say getting up.

''Wait.'' Courfeyrac says quickly grabbing my hand quickly getting up. ''Cassandra, would you like to go on a date tomorrow?''

''Yes, Courf, I would love to.'' I say, a smile evident on my face. I lean in and place a kiss on his cheek. I lean back and see him blushing, his cheeks red as roses.

''Gross!'' Exclaims a boy from the doorway. We both snap our heads to see Gaveroche.

''We best get going.'' Courfeyrac says.

''Goodnight.'' I say whispering in his ear as he walks by.

''Goodnight.'' He says picking Gaveroche up. They both leave me in the room with a big smile. Enjolras walks in with the papers.

''Ready to go?'' He asks. I nod and we head to the door. ''What's got you in such a happy mood?''

''Courfeyrac, the new one asked me on a date.'' Enjolras stops dead in his tracks.

''And you said yes?''

''Of course I did. Now do not under any surcumstances get involved.''

''Fine.'' He sighs. ''My little sister is growing up so fast.''

''Oh shut it Enj.''

Courfeyrac pov

I carry Gav on my hip walking out and into the streets. Suddenly I hear him yawn. ''Cassandra was pretty, huh?'' Gav tiredly asks. I smile at her name.

''Yeah, she is.''


Word count: 771

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