Chapter 2: Nana's wishes

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As Kin's father was about to answer his son, the door from the living room opened and an old woman still elegant despite her age and still exudes authority despite being in a wheelchair was being guided to the center of the living room.

"Nana!" Exclaimed by Kin and Kritt
They both looked at each other as they both said it at the same time.

The old woman smile widely as she saw both of her handsome grandsons. The truth is she is Kin's biological grandmother, but she has a close relationship to Kritt since he was a child, so she also treats him as her grandson.

"Its nice to see you both again. Its been a long time since I saw you both together." She smiled as she said this.

" However, this is not the only reason I came here today. As what Kin's father said, the wedding is still on, it will not get cancelled. I am here to announce that the wedding thats gonna happen in July 22, 2021 is for the both of you, Kin and Kritt."

"What the fu..?!" Kritt said out of shocked and fear that his prediction is coming true.
While Kin has stopped processing and he just stared at the shocked face of Kritt.

"Nana?! Are you serious? Is this part of your joke just like before when you always prank us?" Kritt asked the woman infront of him as he knelt down to level their eyes. As if pleading, he asked again. "Nana, youre joking right?...Right?"

" No, baby. Im sorry if im saying this so suddenly but please hear me out. " The old woman said as she held both of his hands.

"Nana, I know that this wedding is important to you and for both the companies but it can still be on even if Im not the one getting married." Kritt tried explaining his idea.

"What do you mean?" Kin asked curious to what Kritt has been suggesting.

Kritt decided to ignore Kin and said " Nana, I know that it indicates in the promise that the heir of the current CEO needs to be the one to be married off, then as simple as that, my father can choose another heir rather than me." Kritt explained. His parents got shocked by his idea.

"What?! You don't want to be my heir? Its a golden opportunity and you are rejecting it?" Kritt's father asked shocked by the rejection of his son.

"Well, if the consequence of being an heir is to be forcefully wed then, yes, I don't want to be the heir and inherit the company. " Kritt said with finality.

"So, you would like to be a mere fashion icon rather than becoming a CEO? Are you even thinking, son! And why are you even so against this marriage, or you're against this because you don't like to stop being a womanizer?! Do you know what our partners are saying about you?! I tried protecting you from those issues but you are not helping, son!" Kritt's dad said out of frustration.

"A mere fashion icon?! Dad it was my dream. And if you are criticizing it then it only proves my point that I don't want anything from this family!." Kritt retorted.

"Kritt!, Stop," Nana suddenly raised her voice. "You and Kin are the best heirs that our companies can have. With your sister gone, you are the next in line in your family. I cant even understand why you're gonna give it to someone unworthy, Is it that hard to grant my wish?"

"Nana..." Kritt started tearing up whether because of frustration or anger, he doesn't even know what.

"No!.... I wont agree to this. I don't care what our ancestor promised to each other, that has nothing to do with me. Im not taking part on this. Nana, Im sorry. Mom, Dad Im sorry." Kritt said as he ran as fast as he could outside the living room, as far from everyone's expecting stares.

The people that are left inside were all shocked by the events they didn't even realized that Kin had also ran outside to follow Kritt.

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