Chapter 17: A Chance

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The night was quiet and calm. The only sound that can be heard was the soft sound of footsteps of the two people walking around the park.

Kritt decided to invite Billkin for a walk

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Kritt decided to invite Billkin for a walk. He messaged his mother informing that they will not return to the restaurant where they came from and instead they will take a walk together.

They keep on walking around, feeling the fresh air outside and taking in the beautiful night views of the park. They only stopped walking when they reached the end of the park where there are less people around.

They stand by the railings overlooking the city lights below. They were standing side by side, few feet apart from each other.

“Kin…” Kritt looked at the man beside him while Billkin stood still not looking back at Kritt.

“I know you hated me…. I don’t have any excuses for what I did to you in the past. Its all my fault and I wanted to apologize to you… even though I know its not enough to forgive me… I’m sorry, Kin.…I-I’m sorry for leaving you back then.” Kritt sincerely apologized to Billkin which made the latter to finally look at him.
“Its up to you if you’ll believe me,” Kritt continued. “But I swear, I did what I did because I wanted to protect you and I thought that it would be better if you and I won’t be together….. But as you can see, fate is playing us, pushing us to be together. In the end, we still met and we ended up arranged to be married with each other.” Kritt dejectedly said as he realized that what he did in the past was all for nothing.

“What do you mean by protecting me? Protecting me from what, Kritt?” Billkin said as he was confused by what Kritt had told him.

“It was that time when there were rumors about us… I know it doesn’t bother you but… I-I don’t like the way people would talk behind our backs and…. And telling foul insults about you,…” Kritt looked away as he tried pushing his tears back, it was still hard for him to reminisce that dark past.
“On my mind back then, I’m the reason why you were being slandered by those foul mouthed people…. And I cant take it… it was fine if I was the only one insulted… but you…I-I cant take it…I don’t want people talking shit about you…” Kritt looked at the other with tears on his eyes.
“The only way I could think of at that time, was to stop seeing you, to stop all the rumors… But you kept on looking for me… And I know that if I saw you again, I couldn’t stand on my ground and I would just keep on seeing you….”
“ So, I decided to go abroad, to stop you from finding me… It was hard for me,…I was hurt too Kin…. I know I hurt you too, to the point that you still hated me now….. But believe me, it was all for you, I didn’t want to ruin your future… your perfect image…. I don’t want people to look at you and only see you as the son who dated a boy and becomes a bad son of your family… I don’t want that for you…”
His tears were already falling as he poured out all of his feelings that he buried when he left Billkin years ago. He couldn’t see the expression of the man in front of him. Billkin have his head lowered and he was not saying anything.

Seconds goes by before Billkin started talking in a low voice…
“ All this time… I was left alone because of that lame reason? Because of the rumors?...” Billkin laughed mockingly. “And what? You’re saying that you did that to protect me?... HAH.. I don’t need you to do that for me Kritt! You don’t want to ruin my future? My perfect image?! Do you think I need all of that Kritt?!Do you think that’s what’s important for me? Huh?!.....”

“You were the most important for me back then, Kritt, t-those rumors….are nothing.”  Billkin clenched his fist because of the anger that he felt again as he relieves all the rumors and insults he ignored back then just to be with Kritt. All the disappointment stares that some of his relatives throw at him, all the gossips saying that he was the bad son among the three children of his parents and all of the other bad rumors, he ignored all of it but he didn’t realize that it was bothering Kritt, too. He didn’t know that his downfall would make Kritt blame himself.
“You should’ve talked to me at least…. I should’ve known that you were suffering too because of that rumors… I-I feel like I’ve failed to protect you too….” Billkin was clenching his fist hard as he tried stopping himself from crying. “I thought back then that you don’t mind the rumors just like me…. I-I didn’t even think that you were blaming yourself because of it…. I-I’m sorry…”  Billkin was looking at Kritt with tears pooling in his eyes.

Billkin was having a hard time to determine what to feel. He was still mad at Kritt for leaving him but there’s a newfound guilt when he discovered that Kritt was so helpless back then and he was not aware of it at all.

“Kin…” Kritt was about to touch Kin’s arm to comfort him but the latter avoided him.

He held his hand up and told Kritt “L-leave me alone, first…I-I need time to think…just please leave me first..” Kritt looked at Kin for a long time and, without any choice, he left Kin alone in the park.

Kritt was still crying as he walked to his car and drive his way home.

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