Chapter 12: Sudden Reunion

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Kin went back to Assarat corporation after he dropped off Kritt. He was still feeling bad for yelling at him. He got carried away by his emotion. He still can't get over the fact that Kritt was acting like nothing happened between them five years ago.

"I know I shouldn't have yelled at him... But I cant take it, his innocent face makes me furious....Did he forget that he left me alone, knowing nothing about his reason why and he didn't even talk to me for five years and now he wanted to talk so casually.... Huh... the audacity..." Billkin was arguing with himself while walking to his office.

His mind was going through this mess but his face was still in a poker face, though it was not intentional. He was walking in a hallway and his aura radiates his bad mood that makes his subordinates to retreat and make way for him.

"Make me a tea, now." Billkin immediately said to his secretary as soon as he arrived at his office.

"Y-yes S-sir.." his secretary hurriedly answer as she made her way to the pantry to make his boss a tea.

Billkin's way to calm his nerves is to drink tea. He never liked any drinks especially coffee since it tastes bitter. Ever since he was a kid, he really likes eating sweet treats. He remembered that he and Kritt would always race to their favorite restaurant to eat their favorite ice cream. It's a bittersweet memory for Kin. He was in a trance when a knocking sound on his door woke him up, his secretary walks in with a cup on her hand.

" Sir, here's your tea." His secretary carefully put the cup on his desk.

"Thank you. What's next on my schedule?"

"There's a meeting with the board members at 2:00 in the afternoon and the general manager gave these papers that you requested earlier this morning."

"Okay, thank you."

"Also, sir, Ma'am Olivia leave a message saying that there's a family dinner at your mansion and you're required to attend."

Billkin sighed at what his secretary had said. His nana really makes sure he wouldn't forget to attend these so-called family dinner. He wasn't against his family, he is actually closed to his parents but he really would rather work than spend his time on dinners.

Without much choice, Billkin decided to spend his time on his family dinner.

Assaratanakul Mansion

" We need more soup in here and put more food in this side of the table. " Billkin's mom was giving instruction to their servers.

"Darling, you don't need to put more food in there, our son is not a big eater." Billkin's dad said.

"Its okay to have more food rather than less, its only rare to have our son over for dinner so let me spoil him just this once." Billkin's mom replied. They were about to argue more when they heard Billkin's voice.

"Mom, I cant eat all of that tonight, Do you want me to have a stomach ache?" Billkin said as he arrived at their dining room, making his parents surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Son!,.. oh I've missed you...I haven't seen you for days..." His mom was busy hugging and cupping his face as she barrage him with questions. "Have you been eating well? How many hours have you been sleeping? Don't stress yourself at work, okay? poor baby..."

"Mom, I'm okay. I like doing my work at the company so don't worry about me." Billkin reassured his mother.

"Mom, why are you only worrying over Kin? Didn't you know that he is the most capable among the three of us." Pond, Billkin's eldest brother, said as soon as he saw his mom babying Billkin.
Pond came in with his wife, they've been married for over six years. Pond is the one handling their company branch in China and it was a surprise to see him in Thailand.

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