THREE - 三つ

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She's standing over a young girl who's leaning against her hallway wall. A hand on her abdomen as she tries to stop the bleeding, staring at the wall in front of her as she lets out shaky breaths.

"Do you still hear his screams?"

Her words come out in a shaky voice, her gaze slowly moving to look at y/n who stood in front of her with furrowed brows. "What?"

The young girl lets out a sigh. "I hear them every night."

Y/n eyes widen in realization as she begins to remember. "I—" The room around her began to change, going dark as she stands in front of a door. Hearing muffles on the other side as she grips the door handle and pushes it open. Looking inside to see blood staining the walls and floors.

On her left lied a tied up girl, struggling against her binds as she screams in agony. "No stop! Please stop!" She sobs out. "Leave him alone!" She cries out. "Stop it!"

Y/n takes a step closer towards the girl and bends down to inspect her face. Her clothes were covered in blood and was sobbing loudly, "Please! Leave him alone!" Adjusting to the dark room, y/n eyes widen at who it was.

It was her.

She remembers now, remembers what happened that night.

Y/n shakes her head as she keeps her back from the scene, "stop hurting him, please stop, don't—"

"—hurt him!!"

She jolts awake shouting, breathing heavily as she tosses her covers aside. She looks around, panting as she takes in her surroundings, she's back in her room and in bed. She's fine, she's okay.

Letting out a sigh of relief she lies back down, staring at the ceiling and began to remember. She remembers the dark room, the torture and blood. She remembers how many days she was in that room, she watched her friend get tortured and die.

Y/n whimpers, covering her ears as she remembers the screams.

"Please don't hurt him!!"

"He's just a kid, stop it!!"

She shakes her head and sits back up, after so many years she forgot about that horrible event. Only for it to come back, she refused to remember those days but it was all coming back to her.

Y/n wraps her arms around herself, leaning her head back against the bed frame as she closes her eyes. This nightmare was too much for her, causing her to lose sleep for the rest of the night.

Morning arrives and Y/n was still awake, her eyes open with dark bags under. She lets out a deep yawn and slowly gets out of bed to get ready for school, grabbing her things and slipping on some clothes she heads downstairs to start heading to school. Skipping breakfast with her mother who was still asleep, she didn't want to worry her about the nightmares and thought it was best to head to school.

She hoped that school could distract her, but it didn't. She can still remember the nightmare and couldn't concentrate on anything!

Y/n was hiding in the school library during lunch hours, leaning against one of the bookshelves on the second floor, away from any prying eyes as she leans her head back. She was so out of it that she doesn't even notice stiles approaching her and setting his bag down.

"Hey," she feels his nudge, his cold fingers tidying her cheeks as she flinched away with a gasp. "Who, easy." Stiles pulls his hands away from her and gives her some space, he gives himself time to examine her appearance as he noticed the dark bags under her eyes, causing him to frown. "You look like shit."

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