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The two had spoken about their plans late at night, discussing how to deal with both Theo and her mother and like Stiles said, he would be the one to deal with her mother while she dealt with Theo. As much as she hated being around Theo, she had no choice but to try her best to lure him out. At first she didn't want to lose her own mother to Stiles, she was the only family she had left but after finding out about the lies she didn't hesitate to agree with Stiles.

Stiles plan was to lure her mother out of work early, flirting his way through as he plays the charming and handsome man that anyones ever met. She knows that her own mother will fall for the false charade that Stiles puts up, she's an easy women to fool but again not very easy to get rid of.

While stiles worked on her mother, her plan for Theo is to try and befriend him. Make him think that she trusts him and really wants to be around him, as much as she despised the idea of getting close to Theo, she had no choice but to do it.

Sitting in her car in front of the school, she lets out a deep sigh before gathering her things and exiting the vehicle. "Just speak to him and ignore him at the same time." She tells herself as she walks towards the school building, watching the other students entering the hallways.

She looks around the hallways, hoping to spot Theo in the crowd but instead spots Liam. She approached him and gently touches his shoulder. "Hey Liam."
She says softly with a smile on her face.

Liam turns around, smiling in return as he closed his locker. "Hey! I didn't expect to see you in the hallways, your usually in the library." He questions, holding his books close.

Y/n eyes him and grins.

"Yeah, I'm meeting up with a friend, but can't seem to find him."

"Is it Stiles? I saw him lurking around the science room."  He points out, looking over his shoulder as he points down the hallway. "No, not stiles—not today." She adds. "I'm actually looking for Theo."

Liam's smile slowly drops. "Yeah—uh, I saw him in the boys locker room. I think he was changing after using the gym this morning." He mumbles out, not feeling to happy.

Y/n raised a brow and sighs. "Thanks, I'll see you later." She gently pats his head, causing the other to blush as she heads towards the locker room. She stands outside the locker room, grumbling to herself and trying to force herself to enter, knowing that she'll be seeing a lot of naked boys once she steps inside.

She takes in a deep breath and barges inside, avoiding the guys stares as they tried to cover up with towels, acting like little girls as she shoved her way through. "God, this place reeks." She whispers out and looks around to see Theo changing at the far end of the lockers.

"Theo!" She shouts, gaining everyone's attention.

Reaken looks up, sending her a smirk as he slips his shirt on and raised a brow. "Can I help you?" He questions, buckling up his belt as she approached him and jabs a finger to his chest. "You and I need to talk." She whispers, sending him a glare.

"About what?"

Y/n slowly grins. "You should know that by now."

She takes a step back and nods towards the exit. "Outside by the field, now." She instructs, shoving her way out as she heads to the backfield, not caring if she misses a class or two. She wanted to get this over with.

She pulls out her phone to see if their were any texts from Stiles but so far none, he was probably to busy getting things ready. Slipping her phone back into her pocket she looks around the empty field, the woods were just up ahead. All she needed to do was get Theo's attention and take him for a walk.

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