TEN - テン

801 38 13

"—he wouldn't stop winking at me and giving me that cheeky little grin of his during class—I just really want to punch his face after finding out that my mother is fucking a student."

Both her and Stiles were in the library, hiding behind bookshelves on the second floor as she rants about her mother and Theo. "Yeah, that's Theo." Stiles mumbles out as he sits across from her, Indian style on the floor as he adjusts the chess board and pawns.

Hearing about Theo getting involved with her mother caused him to grow angry, he didn't care about y/n's mother, no, he only cared about Theo.

That damn bastard was always ruining things for him and getting in the way, he almost got caught by Theo once during one of his murdering sprees until Theo got involved, good thing he had his face hidden during that time or else he would've been caught.

Stiles glares at the board, gripping one of his own white pawns. His finger strokes the horse as he glanced up at her and sighs. He sets the pawn down and slides it towards her side of the board.

"What's this?" She asks.

"Our game remember?"

"No, I know, I'm just confused—why give me one of yours?"

Stiles grins. "Because, I want you to deal with one of my pawns—Theo." He leans forward and steals one of hers. "And I'll deal with your mother."

She stares at the white pawn, frowning a little. "You'll deal with my mother?" She questions, sitting back against the shelf. "I thought the point of our game was for me to save my players and not kill them." She clarifies.

Stiles hums, grazing his thumb over the pawn. "I know, but let's be honest here—you despise your mother. She sent someone to kill you at a young age and here she is fucking a high school student who is now trying to get into your pants."

Y/n gags at the idea of Theo sleeping with her, she'd rather sleep with stiles than anyone else. She trusted him and knew that he wouldn't hurt her unless given a good reason too.

She stares at stiles with a glare, thinking about this before letting out a sigh in defeat. "Fine—"

Stiles grins. "—but don't be messy and please, make it look like an accident." She adds, rubbing her temples before setting the pawn down and groaning.

This was going to be a long week.

Y/n and Stiles both left school early, ditching their last classes and heading back to her place. Her mother wouldn't be back until later tonight so, they had time for themselves.

"Want anything to drink?" She offers but stiles refuses. "I'm fine." He sets his bag down and follows her around the house like a lost puppy.

"You know—the last time we were alone we had sex." She blurts out, opening the fridge, searching for any leftovers to eat.

Stiles hums, leaning against the counter while tilting his head to the side. "Is it so bad that I want to end up like that again?" He coos out.

Y/n closed the fridge doors and turns around to face him, keeping a straight face as she leans back and eyes him up and down before smirking herself.

"Open your legs, Stiles," She commands.

The brunette suddenly freezes, his eyes slowly widening at the sudden realization. He opens and closes his mouth, trying to find something to say but all he could do is remain silent. But no matter how needy he is, he hesitates for a moment before slowly opening his legs like Y/n asked him to. He is mortified at the dirty position he finds himself in now but wishes to please the other as much as he can.

"Wider," Y/n puts a small amount of pressure on Stiles inner thighs and encourages him to open his legs further.

When the blushing boy has spread his legs far enough, Y/n smiles before placing herself in between the quivering thighs, leaning down to press her lips hungrily against the other's again.

"Good boy," She whispers to him, earning herself a whine from him. "Who know you could be so submissive, one minute your scary and the next your begging."

Y/n decides that it is time to expose the boy completely to her. Leaning back on her knees, her hands wander to the edge of Stiles pants. The younger boy's eyes widen when he understands y/n is about to take this further than kisses. He willingly lifts his ass to let Y/n pull his bottoms down.

Guiding both legs out of the pants as well, Y/n throws the hindering piece of clothing somewhere. Her attention is moved at the hard cock resting against the stiles abdomen. Her fingers strokes the cock in front of her from base to top, earning her a high pitched keen from the Void Stiles

She smirks up at the quivering boy, muscles tense with anticipation.

.Another gasp leaves Stiles lips when Y/n closes her right hand around his cock and excruciatingly slowly moves her hand up and down.

"Oh," Stiles groans.

"Do you like that?"

Y/n continues pumping his cock while using her other hand to softly stroke the inside of Stiles leg. She grins when she sees him dig his nails into his own shirt and decides to give him something to occupy his own hands with. She leans down within Stiles reach again, still continuing to fist his cock. Stiles immediately grabs on to the opportunity and digs his hands into her hair while kissing Y/n once more.

"So impatient," Y/n breathes into the other's mouth.

Stiles groans against her lips, chasing after them as she pulls away from his reach. She removes her hands from him and gives him an evil grin. "Like you said—" she whispers to him. "You like to earn things so, earn it." She gives his cheek a small peck before walking over to the sink to wash her hands.

Stiles pants, staring at the empty spot in front of him as he tries to process everything. "You're just gonna leave me like this?"

"Mhm." She dries her hands with a rag and gives him a cheeky grin. "Earn it, my king."

Stiles lets out a breathy laugh, leaning his head back as he smirks. "Two can play that game." He says to himself while liking his lips.

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