FIVE - 五

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After last weeks events about Stiles being the psycho killer who was murdering all of these people for his own pleasure and games, she can't help but feel a little cautious every time she is around him.

Yes, they did share some deep stuff with each other and he already knew so much about her due to him having easy access to her records and finding ways to worm into her past.

Stiles has grown a lot closer to her after just a couple of days. At every hour of the day he was either waiting outside her classroom or following her around everywhere to the point where she had to yell at him.

"For fucks sake Stiles!" She shouts at him after finding him waiting outside the girls bathroom.

"What?" He says, giving her an innocent look.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighs deeply, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the locker room.

She shoves him against the lockers and glares. "Listen here, stiles." She jabs her pointer finger on his chest.

"If you don't want to get caught then their going to be some ground rules between us two."

Stiles cocks his head and raised a brow.

Y/n sighs. "look, don't get me wrong—I like your people I like your type, but there's some ground rules, some ground rules—rule number one, if you touch me I am going to violently shit myself as a defense mechanism!" 

Stiles brows shot up as he stifled a laugh, using his hand to cover it up. "What?!" He hears her shout with annoyance in her voice.

Stiles continues to laugh. "You'd really do that?!"

"If I have too I will! No hesitation!" She points back at him.

Stiles couldn't stop laughing, leaning against the lockers as he tries to hold his laughter back. "I'm sorry darling but I can't promise you that."

"And why not?" She glares at him.

Stiles chuckles, running a hand through his hair as he steps forward. "Because your too distract and tempting to touch."

He reaches out to stroke her cheek and to run his thumb over her lips, grinning as he leans forward.

Y/n's eyes widen at the realization as she pulls away. "No! I said no touching!" She waves her hands around.

Stiles rolls his eyes. "Fine, no touching." He repeats back already knowing that he will break the first rule when he gets the chance.

"Rule number two, I am to know what you are doing when it comes to your murdering schemes." Stiles scoffs. "You want to stalk me?"

"Hey! You looked me up and stalked me in order to know everything about my life so it's even if I know what your doing." She responds back.

"Very well, I'll allow you to join my little murdering schemes as long as you don't cause any trouble or get us caught." He shot back, already knowing that she'll cause trouble if she were to make a mistake during one of his night outs.

Y/n shakes her head as she continues on with her ground rules. "Rule number three, you keep my mother out of this."

"Now that I can't do." Stiles pushed himself off the lockers as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Your mother is already apart of this—now, I won't hurt her, as promised, but she is to be put in my list. If you mess up and get my caught, I won't hesitate to kill her too." He warns, eyes growing dark as he glared at her.

"Only if you get caught, but for now, you leave her out of this." She hisses out.

Stiles' lips form a sly grin as he leans down to her height and hums. "Very well, I won't touch your mother." But knowing stiles, we all know that he'll never keep his promises.

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