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Instead of going back to school she decided to head home, knowing that her mother wouldn't arrive until later tonight. She makes sure to park her car in front of her driveway as she unlocks the door and steps inside, kicking her shoes off and sets her bag on the floor. She was still in shock by what Stiles had told her, finally knowing why he killed Lydia and also finding out that Lydia wasn't his first kill but his mothers.

Stiles Stilinski confessed to her about killing his mother, right? She refused to believe that he killed his own mother, maybe her death as an accident and he blamed himself or perhaps it wasn't a total accident. She still had so many questions and Stiles was being useless on answering them, each time she got a question answered only more would come in mind.

"Dammit!" She kicks the coffee table in frustration, groaning in slight pain as she grips her foot. "Ugh, I shouldn't have done that." She mumbles to herself as she sits on the carpet floor and sighs to herself. As she rubs her foot she suddenly hears the upstairs bedroom door open, causing her to freeze in place as he looks towards the stairs. She remains quiet and hears footsteps around the hallway, hearing her mothers voice. "I have to go." She hears her mother say. "Work, again?"

Y/n's breath caught in her throat. Her mother wasn't alone.

She scrambles to her feet and quietly moves around the house, grabbing her shoes and bag off the floor as she rushes towards the storage closet near her mothers office. She steps inside and closes the door quietly, making sure to leave a small gap so that she can see her mother and the stranger that she brought home with her.

The sound for footsteps were head as they head down the stairs and towards the living room. "I can drive you back to work—I mean, we left your car behind." Said a males voice, his back was faced towards the closet, not giving Y/n a good view of the mans face. Her mother chuckles as she pulls her hair up and adjusting it. "I would really appreciate that." She sits on the couch to tie her shoes back on.

The man quietly walks around the house, checking out the living room and staring at a few family pictures. He stops to stare at one of the pictures of her and her mother together. "This your daughter?" He asks, holding the framed picture in his hand as he turns to her mother. She hums and looks up."Ah, yes she's my daughter." Her voice softens, standing to retrieve the frame back and placing it on the table. " She's been with me the longest and I really do care about her but if she found out about us she wouldn't be to happy."

Y/n's hand balls up, glaring at the two. "So we keeping secrets, huh?" She whispers to herself, still watching the two. Still not being able to get a glimpse of the mans face.

"She's gonna find out soon if you don't tell her." The man says, approaching her mother as he placed his hands on her hips. "We've been hiding this for almost a year now."

Y/n' gaps at the two. This relationship of her mothers has been going on for almost a year now and she hasn't been told yet?!

"I know, but we can't yet, I still need time." Her mother gently pushes him away as she grabs her bag and collects her house keys. "Come on, my break ends soon." She reminds the man as she heads towards the door. The man sighs and grabs his own bag, turning around to finally give Y/n a view of his face.

She squints her eyes, he looked awfully young but yet again, every ages differently.

She watches the two leave the house as her mother locks the door behind her. She stays in the closet still as she listens to the car engine turn on and drive away. She gives herself a few more minutes before pushing the door open.

She crawls out of the closet and sits down with her back against the wall and stares into space, still trying to process what she just witness. Her mother has been sleeping with a guy for almost a year without her knowing, thinking that her mother was alone and still mourning after her fathers death when in reality she was sleeping with someone the whole time.

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