NINE - 九

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"Theo? Huh, never heard of you before—by the way are you 17?" She randomly blurts out at him, giving him a stern smile as he hand gripped the pencil right, causing her knuckles to grow white.

Theo didn't take notice and simply answers her back. "I've been here for awhile and I'm actually 19." He chuckles out, tossing his books on the desk as he glanced over at the teacher. The class was still filling up with teenagers and class will be starting soon.

"Nineteen? Your a senior who should be graduated by now." She tilts her head in confusion and with a raised brow.

"At my old school we had an extra grade, I was 19 over there and didn't finish my education on time before moving here and since my education wasn't finished they just placed me in senior year and hoping for me to finish what I had left." He explains.

"Huh." She turns away from him and slowly turns to face the front of the class as she taps her pencil against her notebook, panic and shock hitting her all at once.

Her mother was dating this guy who was a lot younger then here and no way in hell was she allowing these bastards get away with it.

After the bell rings the class is full of students as the teacher starts the lesson, writing notes on the board as students wrote the information down for later testing.

Y/n ignored half of the lesson, glancing at Theo every once an awhile. She so badly wanted to jab her pen in his eye but she couldn't do anything, not yet.

"Y/n." Her attention goes to the teacher who has called her out, giving him an nervous smile as the teachers glared at her, noticing her lack of attention. "I expected you to listen in my class." He adds before turning back to the board.

She can only groan and glare at the teacher as she turns to her blank page, staring at the date that she's written on it during the beginning of class. "Here—"

She jolts in surprise when Theo slides his paper over to her. "You can copy my notes." He whispers giving her a wink.

She shudders and holds back her disgust, giving him a fake smile. "Thanks." She takes the notes and slides them next to her blank one as she tries to copy his writing. No way in hell was this earning him brownie points.

She tries her best to write everything down before sliding it back over to him. "Thanks again." She mumbled out, placing her notes inside her binder. "Don't mention it, besides I wouldn't mind helping you for next period."

"We have next period together?" She questions.

"Yeah, you sit in the back with Stilinski." He points out with a laugh, giving her a charming smile.

Y/n holds herself back from smacking him in the face. "Right! I probably didn't notice you, but that's okay. Stiles helps me out with the homework."

Theo hums to himself as he turns back to his work. "So, you've been hanging out with stilinski?" He asks with his attention facing the teachers lesson. Y/can't help but feel unsettled. "Yeah, and?"

"Stilinski is bad news."

Y/n's hand froze from writing anymore notes, giving Theo a glance. Did he by any chance know about stiles being void? Did he know about the murder?

"What makes you think he's bad news?"

Theo sighs. "I used to know stiles back in middle school, he's nothing but trouble and trouble follows him everywhere. I still remember the drama he had with Lydia before she died."

She bites the inside of her cheek. "Doesn't mean he's going to bring his past with him whoever he goes." She shot back, giving Theo a glare.

"I know, but anyone who hangs out with Stilinski ends up hurt."

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