Chapter 7

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Dedicated to iv261490

Zee and Saint decided to hang out at a cafe after Saint had packed up and given his collection to the homeless man. Zee was surprised to see what Saint did and at the same time was quite impressed with the younger boy, he contributed by giving 10 euros to the homeless man. When Saint said that it was way too much and he didn't have to do that Zee replied he wasn't giving it to the old man he had enjoyed Saint's music and that he was adding to Saint's money.

"So tell me about yourself" Zee asked while sipping his espresso.

"I am a cellist. Freelancer, graduated with a music degree a few months ago. And that's about it"

"You play on the streets often?"

"Yes... Whenever I'm free"

"You don't keep the money you collect to yourself?"

"No, I earn quite enough with the other projects and events I play for... I play on the streets so that I can contribute something to the ones who are struggling to survive in the city"

"Yes... Paris is expensive, that's why I stay here only for a month"

"If you choose to stay in a cheaper hotel room and not waste your money on girls who can stay for longer" Saint let out and immediately regretted it when he saw Zee's uncomfortable expression. "I... I am sorry I don't mean to judge you or anything, I swear, it's your money and your life you can choose to spend it the way you want. I am sorry" Saint was being so defensive that he was visibly trembling and hoping that he did not offend Zee

"Hey... Hey calm down... It's fine, I understand what you mean" Zee tried to calm Saint down

"No... I mean... We just met and I really shouldn't judge you... Honestly I am not being judgy and I am not usually like this. I'm sorry I don't socialize a lot so I don't know how to have a normal conversation with people. I really didn't mean to~"

"Hey hey hey Saint, calm down..." Zee held Saint's hand and Saint immediately stopped talking "It's okay, I understand, you don't have to worry about it, it's fine" Zee couldn't believe how cute Saint was and the effort he is taking to not make him feel bad. He did feel judged but then it didn't matter as he had already accepted what he was and what he was doing.

Saint just sat there hoping Zee held his hand just like this for a while longer, just then Zee retracted his hand.

"I know, I do spend lavishly. But you live only once right, I work my ass off back in Thailand for a whole year and come here to relax for a month"

"Okay" Saint decided to keep his mouth shut because he did not want to say anything that would ruin the chances he had with Zee. On a scale of 1 to 5 the chances for Zee to be interested in Saint was 1 and he didn't not want to make it 0.

It was an awkward few minutes when none of them were talking and just consuming their pastries. Zee couldn't handle Saint being quiet anymore, he was prepared when he saw him playing the cello by the fountain that he was going to ask Saint out and he was going to answer all the questions Saint asked. He didn't want Saint to be so quiet, he was ready to tell everything to this man even though he had just met him. Zee finally broke the silence by asking

"Saint?... You said you have been here your whole life... You haven't been to Thailand?"

"No" Saint answered in one word

"Have you ever wanted to visit?"



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