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Small disclaimer: This is my first time writing a 'x reader' fan fiction, so I'm sorry If its not that good, I hope you enjoy the story tho!! :'D

also, I know that in the game you live at some kind of apartment with your roommate but..this story can't be made possible with a apartment... so lets just say you live in a house that you rented with you roommate XD (You'll understand what I mean when you read the story...)

[ Y/n P.O.V ]

I flop onto my bed and sigh, " his so odd.. " I mutter to out loud to myself, as I rolled to the other side of the bed and grab a pillow and hug it.

I'm so stupid...why did I give him my phone number?.......actually why did I even agree to go out with him in the first place?....ah..yes, I remember now...free milkshakes, why am I so gullible when it comes to free food?

I sigh and close my eyes shut trying not to think about anything related to that guy...
there was a nice moment of silence, not until a thought came into my head.

I mean...he is kinda cute tho...

Oh gosh-.... NO...what am I thinking!?

I buried my head into the pillow and shook my head.

NO, NO.. you cant let him get to you..

I heard a distance tap against my window.

wait-... did he followed me back home!?

I stood up from my bed and slowly approach the window feeling kinda skeptical..I gently pulled the curtain aside and peered out the window. I saw him standing outside there..just smiling..

" that's creepy " I thought to myself, as I slowly backed away from the window.

he jumped into my room and took a step forward. I was left speechless...I just let a dangerous man into my house.

" sorry, did I startled you? " he said with a chuckle, nervously scratching the back of his head. pfft- startled!?  more like scared the heck out of me!

" couldn't you wait for a week!? " I said in a rather rude tone.

"well, uhm..no, not really, I just really couldn't wait to meet you again...and a WEEK is way too long to wait.." he said as he fidgeted

" you know I'm BUSY with work and can't have a second date with you until next week...my schedule is really tight, y'know? " I said shaking my head...

damn this guy is really desperate.

I walked over to him and sigh.

"besides being creepy and all,I guess you could say...YOU are kinda cute." I grumble, he smile at the compliment and lean a bit closer to me...I took a step close and closed my eyes and lean in and kissed him, he melted into the kiss and gently placed his hands around my waist.

after awhile we both part our lips and looked at each other.

I took a moment to gaze upon his dark blue eyes, they were so pretty...

" I love you " he whispered

I sigh and shook my head " we basically just met you dummy " I said chuckling.

man...why is he so desperate?

" right, sorry... " he muttered blushing a tint of red on his cheek

"It's okay...that was cute." I said smiling. he looked away from me, then glance back.

" t-thanks...I guess? " he said in slight embarrassment. I chuckled and grabbed his hand and held it up against our chest.

"well, see you next week~! " I said with a smile.

" yeah..see you later." he said as we both parted ways.

I tucked myself back into bed and smiled..." that was nice " I thought to myself and soon fell fast asleep.


lol I hope you liked it~! XD sorry if Yb acts a bit differently, idk how to write lmao anyways bai~!

(also sorry for any grammatical error and etc)

Y0ur b0yfriend oneshots ( Yb x reader ) [ cover by: JayZDraws ]Where stories live. Discover now