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Authors note: Apparently I didn't had any sleep last night, I was chating to my twin bro the WHOLE NIGHT, I started writing this story when it was already 6:00 am and my head was feeling dizzy, and I'm usually not the person to stay up so late, so in the end part of the story it became a DISASTER because I wasn't thinking straight, It became kind of like a lemon fanfic- instead of a fluff fanfic...so, I re-write it AGAIN, because I didn't want to post something like that on the internet, plus these one shots are suppose to be a cute and wholesome XD
anyways sorry for this stupid authors note- I hope you enjoy the story none the less~! :D

[ Y/n P.O.V ]

I woke up to my horrid room, It was a mess like usually, most of my clothes were scatter across my floor and there were even some random things that I didn't knew I had,

I sigh and get out of bed, I look out the window for a moment than closed the curtains.
wait...why was my window open? I don't recall leaving it open last night....
never mind...I'm gonna get change for work.

after getting ready, I went out side my room and grabbed my keys...

OMG- something smells like pancakes!?

I paused for a moment and backtrack to the kitchen, there I saw YB in my spare work apron he was cooking something, he glanced behind and looked at me

" oh, your awake " he said as he puts something onto the plates and took it to the table.

" take a seat darling~ " YB said pulling out a chair for me, I sat down and peered at the food, it was a heart shaped pancake.


" why are you wearing your work clothes? " YB questioned as he took a seat.

" aren't I suppose to ask you that? " I said pouring my syrup over the pancake.

" right...but you don't have work today, its a Friday darling " Yb chuckled as he took the syrup

bottle away from my hand, probably not wanting me to pour the whole thing on my pancake.

WAIT...WHAT!? how did YB even got into my apartment.

"H- how did you get into my apartment? " I stutter in pure shock, he smirked and took out a key from his pocket.

" I just got these from you Landlord today  " YB said dangling the keys he had in hand.

" ... " I tilt my head in confusion.

" that still doesn't explain why your in MY apartment " I said as I stab a piece of pancake and shove it down my mouth.

" you mean OUR apartment " YB pointed out.

" since when? " I muttered still proceeding to stab more pancakes and eat them.

" you kicked out your roommate Lucy, remember? " YB said not even touching any of the pancakes yet.

" why aren't he eating those pancakes.." that was the only thing that was on my mind right now, everything he said was just muffled in the background.

" you don't remember, do you? " YB pouted as he looked away from me, I stare at the pancake ready to stab it with my fork at any moment, YB let out a sigh and looked back at me.

" you can have it " he said with a smile as he shove the plate towards me

to be honest I felt that was the most generous thing he has ever done- maybe I'm just saying that because I get to eat his share of pancakes.

I stab the pancake and impatiently gobbled it down.

YB let out a laugh " your so cute " he said as he pet me on the head, I blushed at the compliment and stood up from my seat.

" leaving so soon~? I just gave you my pancake, I don't see why you can't give me something back in return~ " YB teased as a smirk form on his face.

" you were expecting something back in return? " I said getting a little bit flustered, because the way he said those words just sounded like he knew he deserved something special after giving me his pancake and basically making today's breakfast for me...

" so~? " he said raising an eye brow.

" fine... " I muttered in embarrassment and made my way to him.

" how about... " I said as I paused at the end of my sentence and gave him a kiss as I pulled away after a brief seconds " - this " I continued, he blushed at my actions and pulled me into another kiss.

I jumped a little when I herd the door creaked open, I glanced behind me to find Lucy blushing.

"oh my, I see you bring your boyfriend over~ " she teased as she sat onto one of the couch and picked up the a soda can that was siting on the desk, she took a sip from the soda and looked at both of us.

wait...isn't that MY soda!?

we both stared at her and shake our heads.

" what!? " Lucy said pouting.

" we were having a moment here, and you just waltz in and made your self at home" I said as I faced palm.

" I mean, it is technically MY home " Lucy stated

" you mean USED to be your home " YB said with a snicker.

" what do you mean!? " Lucy half shouted.

well..we kicked Lucy out of the apartment and left her confused.


(also sorry for any grammatical error and etc)

(this story is hideous- but I hope you liked it! XD)

Y0ur b0yfriend oneshots ( Yb x reader ) [ cover by: JayZDraws ]Where stories live. Discover now