YB x Stalker Reader

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This story is requested is @Cottonfuzzie Thank you so much for requesting!! I hope you like it!!💖🌹💕

[ Y/n  P

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[ Y/n P.O.V ]

I was laying down on my bed, thinking, thinking about YB, the thought him just drives me insane.

I hugged my pillow as I drool a little bit. I want him to be mine. he WILL be mine. HE IS MINE. I let out laugh as I rolled of my bed.

"O-owach.." I mutter slightly in pain.

I did it on purpose, But I didn't expect it to be this painful..

I giggled as I stood up and gaze at my collection at my wall, it was full of YB photos.

" His so PERFECT~!! " I squeal out loud, as I fangirl/fanboy (?) over him.

My roommate knew that I had an obsession for him, she thinks I'm crazy, I mean she's one to talk, she's more problematic than I am! (SHUSH DON'T SAY THAT TO LUCY >:( she is perfect I love her-!)

I looked at my clock as it read "8: 55am"

"FUCK- I'm gonna be LATEEE!!! " I scream as I fastly got dress and went outside to the park.

I finally reach the park.

I huffed tiredly and sat down at the grass and hid myself behind the bushes, like usual.

I saw my beloved YB walking around the park, even the way he walk is just so perfect. (🎵🎶DO YOU LIKE HOW I WALK? DO YOU LIKE HOW I TALK?🎵🎶 AISDUBASDJBSAKJDA if you know you know lmao XD)

I was losing sight of him, so I slowly stood up and start to followed after him.
he turn around and gave a wide grin.

"Darling~ are you stalking me~? " he teasingly questioned in a happy tone.

I froze for a moment and pulled my hood down and pretended I was heading to the other road of the track.

he followed after me, and soon catch up, he was now walking beside me.

"I know its you~! " he said as he lean forward and looked at me from aside.

"h-have we met? " I said with a stutter.

I was freaking out, HOW DID HE KNEW?! I don't understand! I've been doing this for so long...How did he just notice..now? or is it getting really obvious? I dont get it...

My heart raced faster as I tried to think how this was all possible.

"Don't be shy, darling~!" he said as he gave a grin.

he grabbed my wrist making me stop, he twirled me around and made me face him, my hood fall as he turned me around.

my blushing face was now exposed.

" I know you stalk me all the time~ " he said in a very pleased tone.

"h-how..how did you know...? " I said still confused.

My heart beat faster as he pulled me up closer to him, his hands on my waist and the other on

my cheek, he was smirking at me.

I felt my face turn red.

I've never been so close to him before...I could only watch him from a distant.

"I stalk you all the time, of course I knew what you were doing~ " He said with a smile.

his..always 1 step ahead of me..I finally understand-

WAIT WHAT- he stalks m-me!?

I felt so flatter when I knew this...but its very embarrassing knowing that he knows how obsessive I was towards him.

My heart was racing so fast, I feel like it was beating out of my chest.

he pulled me up into a kissed, we both enjoyed the moment for a few minutes then parted our lips from one another.

everything felt so perfect..I was happy that I could have this moment with my one and only love.


Yes Two chapters in one day! :> I've been really motivated since everyone seem to be really supportive about my one shot!! tysm everyone! I love you all!!💙💜✨

(also sorry for any grammatical error and etc)

Y0ur b0yfriend oneshots ( Yb x reader ) [ cover by: JayZDraws ]Where stories live. Discover now