YB x Bullied Reader (?)

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This story is requested is @LeeOiseau Thank you so much for requesting!! I hope you enjoy reading this story!! :D

Short author's note: Look, if you have nothing good to say about my BADLY written stories just stfu then!! I WON'T continue to write these one shots if you all are going to keep this up!! so, be nice! ^^ If you think my stories are so BAD then why...

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Short author's note: Look, if you have nothing good to say about my BADLY written stories just stfu then!! I WON'T continue to write these one shots if you all are going to keep this up!! so, be nice! ^^ If you think my stories are so BAD then why tf are you still reading it huh~?😂👍

[ Y/n p.o.v ]

Here I am once again, in the same position, getting beat up by a bunch of lackeys of the loan shark.

This was really normal for me, it always happens to me every time, If you couldn't pay them back they would beat you up and the longer you don't pay them back the worser the punishments get, they'll trash your house, then maybe take a couple of things that they wanted.

I didn't really had anything valuable, so that didn't really mattered to me, maybe because everything I had was nothing because it wasn't valuable in my eyes.

It was hard keeping the rent in check and trying to cover my roommate's share all the time, I don't have any money to pay any longer, to the point I ended up like this every single day.

"This is your last warning, If boss hears that you can't pay him double the amount he asked for, who knows what he'll do to you" One of the lackeys said in a very menacing tone.

the other to of them continued to beat me up, and laughed, it gave me the vibes that I was back in high school and I was getting bullied by a bunch of kids who were just pure jack ass.

"hah..aha..haha " I manage to laugh out at what I was thinking, for some reasons that made me felt a little better even though it couldn't heal the pain I was feeling.

"Whats so funny!? " the lackey that was beating me up hissed as they picked me up from the collar.

"heh.." I chuckled and smiled.

"You know whats funny? " the other one said as they took out a knife and gave a grin.

"Is that you won't ever see the light of day again! " they continued as they laughed (SHUT UP BRO YOU SOUND CRINGE AF LIKE YOUR SOME KINDA CRINGY ASS FANGIRL LMFAO XDDD)

"W-what the fuc- " one of the lackey grunted out as he looked at he stomach that was somehow stabbed with a knife now.

"Don't you fucking dare hurt my darling.." A familiar voice hissed as he tossed the now bleeding lackey to the ground and harshly step on him with his foot.

"Fucking assholes.." the person muttered.

his wearing his hood up so I couldn't really manage to see his face...but his blue clothes and that black sleeveless hoodie was so familiar but my brain just couldn't process who he was.

" Your going to pay for that!! " the lackey shouted angrily as he let go of my collar, letting me harshly fall to the ground. (NPC GO BRRRRR LMAOOOOO)

the two lackey rushed towards the man, and tried to stab him with their knifes, but they were to slow and sloppy for him that he easily manage to kicked them off their feets.
he then stabbed the both of them with his knife and quickly rushed over to me.

" darling! are you alright? " He said as he looked me in the eyes and softly placed his hand on my cheek.

he carried me to my coach, and rested me over there.

"Their still n- not dead " I grumbled, still not feeling so satisfied after what he did.

"Don't worry darling~ I'll take care of them~ " he said in a sweet tone as he turned to face the pile of bleeding bodies and walked over there.

"You choose to mess with the wrong person " he said in a blunt way as he finished off one of them with a stab through the chest.

he repeatedly stab all of them, making the place even more bloody than it already was.
he laughed sadistically as he gutted one of their eyes out.

for some reasons watching him did that didn't scared me at all, it actually made me happy, I no longer had to deal with them, and I knew I had some one as dangerous as him on my side.

"I'm sorry you had to watch that mess...darling~ " he said as he walked over to me.

he sat on the floor and looked up at me.

I patted his head softly and gave a warm smile.

"Thank you..." I said really meaning those words.

"no problem~! " he purred, as his hood fell off slowly because I was patting him.

it was YB...

"Oh- its you..." I said as all my memories started to all come back to me.

"mhh hmm!" he replied as he nodded his head.

"this is really great...but what am I gonna do with those dead bodies..and where am I suppose to stay now..?" I asked now pretty worried.

"Don't worry I'll deal with that! it'll be gone by the morning~! " he said with a happy smile on his face.

"and you can stay at my place from now on~! " He continued.

"Awhh...thank you so much-! " I said as I continued to pat his head gently.

"anything for my darling~ " he said in a rather sadistic tone.


(also sorry for any grammatical error and etc)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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Y0ur b0yfriend oneshots ( Yb x reader ) [ cover by: JayZDraws ]Where stories live. Discover now