YB AU x Male Reader

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This story is requsted is @KyleLVK Thank you so much for asking me to write and x reader with my AU I'm very happy!! :D

This story is requsted is @KyleLVK Thank you so much for asking me to write and x reader with my AU I'm very happy!! :D

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[Y/n P.o.v]

There's this guy..name "Peter" and he seem pretty into me, we just met and I'm already feeling so overwhelmed because I kinda like him too but I'm not so sure if I really liked him, cause I feel like I'm rushing into all this relationship stuff a little bit to quick, I don't even know if were just hanging out as homies, or more than that.

everyday I would meet up at him at the black ally and we would smoke a little and chat about random things, it was really nice, I really enjoyed his company since not much people wanna talk to me for some reasons, I dont know why but they seem to be really scared of me.
I knew there was some kind of rumor about me that one of my classmate spread around the school, and now ever since that day everyone seem to really fear me, less people started to chat to me, they even started to avoid me when teacher ask someone to pair up with my for a school project.

I feel like I dont belong, and I just couldn't fit in with all of them, after all if they knew I like guys they would probably distant from me even more...

That's why I really love having Peter by my side..He never judges me and he so chill about everything and so cool...

I sigh as I arrived to our favorite place to hang out, the ally was pretty empty like usual, not much people really hang out at this spot before, it was only me and Peter who really liked this place.
Peter was usually earlier to get here, he would always be waiting for me leaning against the wall smoking a cigar, but today..he wasn't here...

I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned behind to find Peter smirking at me.

"Geez dude...You scared me! " I said as I playfully punch his arm.

" Heh..so how have you been, sweetheart~? " He said as he sling one of his arm around my shoulder.

Hearing him say "sweetheart" made me blushed a little, I knew pet names were his thing and he likes to call me "sweetheart" all the time..but today I felt like it was something special for some reasons.

" Hey, you okay? you spacing out a little" he said as he poke my cheek.

"oh- Yeah, yeah I'm good " I said snapping out thoughts.

"what? thinking about a girl? " he said teasingly.

"w-what!? no-! " I slightly shouted as I frown.

he was awfully talkative today, he was usually pretty quiet, he dont really say much.

"whats wrong..? " he said as he gently cupped my chin.

"I know something is own your mind.." he muttered looking not very comfortable with the situation.

"Its just..." I quietly whispered feeling nervous to say my feelings out loud.

[ YB AU P.O.V ]

I slowly lean closer with slight hesitation as I kissed him.

I knew things wouldn't be the same anymore but I knew that I wouldn't regret this.

I pulled away and looked at him, he was an absolute blushing mess, he looked really shocked at my action, but he didn't seem to be bother by it.

I pressed my hand against his soft lips..." your..so pretty.." I mutter in a slight sadistic manner.

I gaze into his eyes...it was so mesmerizing to stare into them.

" I- like you.." he shyly mutter as he looked down trying to cover his blushing face.

"me too, sweetheart~ " I said as I kissed him on cheek for second.

I was happy he felt the same way I did.


(sorry for any grammatical error and etc)

Y0ur b0yfriend oneshots ( Yb x reader ) [ cover by: JayZDraws ]Where stories live. Discover now