Chapter 1

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Your POV:
*beep beep bee-*
I turn off my alarm and check the time, it's currently 6am and I need to get up and get my things ready. We need to be at the airport by 10am because that's the time our plane takes off. Ngl I was pretty nervous to move to New Jersey because I wasn't gonna know anyone, which meant I had to start over and make new friends.
*skip to the airport*
No one's POV:

Y/M (your mom): i really think you're gonna like it there in New Jersey
Y/n: hopefully
*she says with a smile*
We had already landed and had gotten to the new house. The movers and my parents were downstairs bringing everything into the house and setting everything up. My room was set up already and had everything in it already.

(This is what your room looks like, basic but cute) I heard a guys voice from downstairs, it was deep and low key attractive? Just watch him be ugly 😭 Y/m: Y/N COME DOWNSTAIRS AND MEET THE NEIGHBOR Y/N: COMING I get up from my bed and run down st...

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(This is what your room looks like, basic but cute)
I heard a guys voice from downstairs, it was deep and low key attractive? Just watch him be ugly 😭
I get up from my bed and run down stairs
I had went next door to help the new neighbors move in and to obviously meet them, after I was done helping them they invited me into their house. Ms. Hernandez had yelled for  someone to come downstairs to meet me, I'm guessing it's her daughter or something.
About 5 minutes later I seen a girl run down stairs and walk over to where we are, ngl she's pretty.

y/n got downstairs and walked over to them.
Y/m: y/n this is mattia our neighbor, mattia this is my daughter y/n
She says introducing us
M (mattia): nice to meet you y/n
He says as he smiled at you
Y/n: nice to meet you too mattia
Y/m: well I'll let you guys get to know each other a little more, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me
She says walking away to the kitchen
M: so how do you like it here so far
He says trying to make conversation with you
Y/n: so far i like it
She says with a smile
M: thats good, do you have snap?
Y/n: yeah whats your username I'll add you
M: my username is  mp_1122
You grab your phone from your pocket and add him on snap
Y/n: okay i added you, well umm I'll talk to you later? I'm gonna go take a nap cause I'm lowkey tired
M: okay talk to you later, bye
Y/n: bye
Mattia leaves and you go take a shower, brush your teeth, brush your hair and change into a oversized tee shirt and sweats then lay down and go to sleep.

Authors note; this was pretty shitty but it's my first time writing a book so oh well. I'll update soon goodnightttt whores 🖤

Meme of the day:

Meme of the day:

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