Chapter 5 👀

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It's been a month since the party. Mattia and y/n have gotten wayyyyy closer.
*at lunch*

M: y/n there's a party tonight at my house, you gonna come?
Y/n: yeah sure
Mattia smiles
M: okay
C: baby I'm.... I'm horny 😅
She says to mattia
Y/n: tmi? not everyone needed to know that
Kai and Ale: that's gross
Alv (alvaro): mattia go fuck her and her dap (dry ass p***y 😭)
They all laugh except Cynthia. She gives mattia and Alvaro a death stare
Y/n: i mean is he wrong?
C: stfu y/n- you have no room to talk considering you're a virgin
She laughs
Ale: was that supposed to be funny?
Kai: y/n probably has a wap (im cringing 😃)
Y/n: stfu 😂
Alv: mattia find out if y/n has some good pussayyyy
Ale and Kai: why him? Why not me
They say at the same time
Y/n: uh- no, none of you
M: just might have to find out
C: don't be weird
M: how is that weird? Lemme just be straight up Cynthia.... You don't turn me on at all anymore
Ale, Kai, alvaro and y/n all laugh
Y/n: damnnnnnn
y/n: damnnnnnn
You wanted to get Cynthia mad cause you lowkey hated her, you get up, walk over to mattia and sit on his lap
M: oh- hi-
He laughs
Y/n: hiii
Kai: y/n I ordered you led lights for your room cause I know you've been wanting some
Y/n: omg yayyyy thank youuuu
I say as I move around on mattia's lap
Kai: you're welcome 😂
Mattia groans
M: y/n stop moving

She was sitting on my lap and started moving cause she got excited. I groaned and felt myself get hard
M: y/n stop moving
Y/n: my bad
She says as she stops moving
Y/n: whats poking me-
She looks down and sees my bulge
Y/n: oh- my bad
She gets up and sits besides me
He says laughing
C: wtf- yk im done with this bullshit, mattia I'm so done with you.
Cynthia gets up and walks away
All of them except me: damnnnnnnnnn
M: stfu, y/n come with me
I say grabbing her arm and walking to the restroom, I make sure no one is in the restroom and lock the door
Y/n: what do you want
M: i need you to help me with this
I say pointing to my boner
Y/n: mmmm idk-
M: please?
She sighs
Y/n: fine
She gets on her knees and pulls down my pants just enough to reveal my dick (DICK 😭😭) she grabs it with her hands and starts giving me a hand job
M: fuck-
I say as I put my head back
She goes faster then starts to kitty lick the tip
M: y/n don't tease
I moan
She then puts as much of my length in her mouth and starts bopping her head up and down each time getting a little faster
M: fuckkk please dont stop
I moan loudly
I grab her hair and push her head all the way down, I hear her gag a little

He pushes my head down, I gagged a little and felt my eyes start to tear up.
M: fuck I'm gonna fuck
With that he came in my mouth
M: swallow
I shake my head no
M: do it now
I do as said and swallow, I get up and go to the mirror to fix my mascara
M: thank you for helping me- and I didn't know you knew how to give head
He says laughing
Y/n: i Dont-
M: well you did good for your first time
He says while pulling me into a kiss, I kissed back. After that we both walk out of the restroom and go back to the boys
Ale: sooooo....
Kai: so did you guys fuck?
Y/n: no-
M: no but god damn she gives good head- and it was her first time ever giving head but it felt so good
I blush from embarrassment
Kai: ayeeeee
Ale: eww
Alvaro laughs

Authors note: this was kinda shitty and short tbh- also I didn't proof read so if I messed up on words my bad.
Word count: 725

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