Chapter 2 🤣

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*beep beep beep bee-*
I wake up and turn off my alarm, it's 6am and it's the first day of school. I get up and get ready, I do my hair and my makeup. I decide to post on Instagram since I haven't posted in a while

 I decide to post on Instagram since I haven't posted in a while

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Devyn.spamz: bestie looking fineeee 💋.
y/n._.spamzzzzz: all you ⤴️
user22117: so pretty 🤩
Cynthiaparker: I've seen better 😐
Mattiapolibio: I fw the fit 😌

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*skip to school*

You walk into the school and go to the office to get your schedule. Once you get your schedule you go to your locker and put your things in.

I see y/n at her locker so I walk up to her
M: Hey
y/n: oh heyyy
M: Can I see your schedule? I want to see if we have any classes together
Y/n: yeah of course
She says as she hands me her schedule
M: looks like we have 1st, 3rd, and 5th period together
I say with a smile then hand her, her schedule
Y/n: okok, do you think you could walk me to first period since I don't really know my way around here
She slightly laughs
M: yeah fs, lets go
We walk to first period which is math class


they walk in together and sit in the back of the class
Teacher: everyone we have a new student, y/n would you mind introducing yourself please
Immediately everyone's attention goes to you
Y/n: yeah sure. my names y/n, I'm 16 years old and I moved here from Cali
You say with a smile
Everyone says hi to you.  there was this one guy who kept staring at you, he had dark brown hair, he was kinda tall but he looked like a fuck boy.
*skip to lunch*
Mattia's POV:
I had y/n come sit with me and the boys, she hasn't met them yet so I wanted her to meet them right now.
M: y/n that's kairi
I says pointing at kai
K (kairi): nice to meet you y/n
He says with a smile
Y/n: nice to meet you too
M: and thats Alejandro
I say pointing at Ale
Ale (Alejandro): nice to meet you
He says to y/n
Y/n: nice to meet you too

Mattia had me meet two of his friends, they were pretty nice, then like 10 minutes later we were just sitting down eating lunch then some girl walks up to mattia kissing him and him kissing back
M: hey babe
??: hey, who's this
She points to me
Y/n: I'm y/n, nice to meet you im new here
??: oh nice to meet you too I guess, I'm Victoria, mattia's GIRLFRIEND
she says exaggerating the word girlfriend
Y/n: good to know
I say with a slight smile
M: anyways It's almost time for class so I'm gonna go already
He says getting up
Everyone: bye
M: bye
He says leaving
*skip to the end of school*
I got home and said hi to my mom and dad
Y/d (your dad): how was the first day at your new school?
Y/n: it was pretty good, I'm gonna go take a shower
Both y/m and y/d: okay
I go upstairs to my room and close the door then lock it, I get clothes and go to the bathroom that's in my room and shower. After I'm done showering I do my skin care and brush my teeth and brush my hair. I then go and lay down on my bed, and put criminal minds on my tv.

Mattia's pov:
I get home, shower, lay down in bed and text y/n

Y/n 🖤



Soooo I was wondering if you would like to go to a party tonight around 10?

Yeah I'm down

Alr then, I'll see you later


End of conversation

Authors note: hope you liked this partttt, okay FR this time goodnightttt 💋

Meme of the day:

Meme of the day:

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