Chapter 7 🤍

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5 months pass, mattia is dating Victoria and y/n is talking to vinnie. Y/n and mattia are cool now, theyre best friends now, Victoria is really jealous of y/n tho cause she's really close to mattia. Vic thinks that they're always flirting.... But are they really flirting? I guess we'll never know- or will we 👀


me, y/n, and vic were all hanging out at my house. Not to long ago vic had told me that she didn't like y/n cause shes to "touchy", I honestly don't think she is-
Y/n: tiaaaaa
M: whatttt
Y/n: idk- I'm bored tho so entertain me
M: mmmm no thanks
V (vic): yeah no thanks
Vic says to y/n
Y/n: i wasnt talking to you
Y/n says to Vic
M: yeah no- we're not doing this, you guys are not about to start arguing
Y/n: alright then tell your bitch to calm down
M: y/n-
Y/n: hey hey hey... only mattia Can call me a slut
She says slightly laughing
M: Uh-
Y/n: no thanks
She gets up and walks over to me and sits on my lap, i put my hands on her waist- I knew this would get vic mad but I wasn't thinking. Next thing I know I see vic swing at y/n but y/n blocked her punch then got up and started beating Vic's ass (NO HATE TOWARDS VIC, I LOVE HER LMAO)

This stupid cunt tried swinging at me but I blocked it. I got up and started beating her ass
i stop hitting her and get up
Y/n: next time think about who you're messing with stupid cunt
V: so you're just gonna let her hit me and call me names?
She says to mattia while crying
M: i-I'm sorry- y/n could you please leave
Y/n: yeah of course
M: thanks- I'll text you later
Y/n: okay
I grab my phone and keys. Then I walk up to mattia and hug him goodbye and kiss his cheek
M: i love you, drive safe
He says quietly enough just for me to hear
Y/n: i love you too, and I will
I say back. Then I mess up his hair and leave

It's the next morning, I get up and do my daily workout. I decided to post my progress on Insta (it's a bad quality photo cause it's originally a video)

 I decided to post my progress on Insta (it's a bad quality photo cause it's originally a video)

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Y/n._.spamzzzzz: progress 👀 don't mind the tan lines LMAOOO



Devyn.spamz: dream bod 😍

User2538185338: pretty babe 😫

Kairi.cosentino: sheeshhhhh

Alejandro.rosariooooo: 👀👀

Mattiapolibio: fine asf 😫
  Y/n._.spamzzzzz: you got a girlfriend sir. ⤴️

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I seen y/n's post- and brooo when I tell you she's fine asf, I mean it. That picture low key made me horny, she just turns me on. To bad that I'm dating Vic, tbh I don't have feeling for Vic I just use her mainly for sex. Is that fucked up? Yeah maybe but idc. I snapped out of thinking and decided to text y/n cause why not lmaooo

                                        Y/N 🖤


Hiii 😌


nth hbu?

Nth... I was wondering if you could
Come over for a bit?

yeah sure, why what's up?

I  need to talk to you

oh okay, I'll be there soon

   End of conversation

Mattia had asked me to go over which was kinda weird cause he said he need to talk to me about something- but I thought nothing of it, I changed into sweats and an over sized t-shirt then left to his house. Once I got to his house I knocked and waited for him to answer the door.
M: hey
Y/n: hi (:
M: come on
He says as he grabs my hand and walks to his room
y/n: soooo what did you need to talk about?
I seen him close his door and lock it, his parents didn't seem to be home
M: y/n i need you- i dont care about Vic I'm craving you, I need to feel your touch
He says as he walks up to me, making me walk back until I feel my back hit the wall
Y/n: mattia- i-i don't know...
M: y/n please-
He says while putting one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek
Y/n: no I'm sorry- as much as I hate Vic I can't do that to her
He completely ignored me and started passionately kissing me, I kissed back. At this point we were at sync.
I start kissing down her neck leaving hickeys. I hear a small moan escape her mouth. I start taking off her shirt and sweats leaving her only in her bra and panties. She's a virgin so I don't get into things to quickly, I pick her up and lay her on the edge of my bed. I go down to her panties and move them to one side, I look up at her for consent, she nods consenting me to continue. I start kissing  and sucking on her clit softly, she lets out a few moans here and there. I then Insert one finger in her pumping in and out slowly while doing finger eight motions on her clit. She tilts her head back and let's out loud moans
with that I insert another finger and pump in and out of her faster and faster each time.
she moans out then cums. I lick up all her liquids
M: you taste so good ma
She blushes from embarrassment
Y/n: shush
She slightly laughs
I pull down my sweats and boxers revealing my dick. I tease her entrance.
Y/n:please don't tease me- I need you in me
I stick myself in her not letting her adjust
she moans out, minutes later the room filled with moans and skin clapping.
M:fuck I'm gonna cum
Y/n: m-me too
She finishes first then I finish a minutes after. I drop down besides her and cuddle up with her.
Y/n: that was.... Good
M: yeah, thanks for letting me be the one to take your virginity
I say laughing
Y/n: yup-
She laughs
We cuddle then next thing you know we fall asleep. She ended up staying the night.

Authors note: this is an okay chapter- I didn't really like it but oh well 👴🏻
Word count: 1130

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