Chapter 4 ‼️

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They go into a room and mattia goes up to y/n and kisses her, she kisses back. They get deeper into the kiss and start making out. Y/n then pushes mattia onto the bed gently and get on top of him, she has no idea what she's doing but she's going with it. She kisses down his neck leaving hickeys.

She starts leaving hickeys on my neck, I try to maintain my moans cause I don't want to lose. I then flip her over to where I'm now on top of her, I trail my hands all over her body up to her boobs. I start kissing her neck leaving hickeys, I think I found her sweet spot cause she started moaning quietly.
Y/n: fuck-
She says quietly
I then stop and get up
M: i won
I say with a smile
Y/n: what- thats not fair-
M: to bad I won
I say laughing
Y/n: yeah yeah whatever
She says slightly laughing
I was low-key horny now and I wanted her to help me but I knew she wouldn't have wanted to cause 1 she's a virgin 2 we just met
M: let's go
I says picking her up from the bed and walking out of the room

Everyone just stared at mattia and y/n
A: so who lost?
M: y/n
He says laughing
Y/n: me sadly
She laughs
Ale: did you break her legs or something?
They all laugh
M: no-
He says while putting y/n down
Y/n: you think you could take me home already? This party is low key wack already
M: yes fs, let's go. Bye guys
He says to everyone
Y/n: bye
She also says to them
Everyone: bye
They walk out and go to mattia's car, once they get in mattia starts driving to y/n's house. He then puts his hand on her thigh.
Y/n: bro i feel bad for Cynthia low key- cause I mean you guys are dating and i just gave you hickeys, kissed you, and made out with you
With that he moved his hand off of her thigh
M: true- and don't call me bro
Y/n: sorry- its a habit cause I call everyone bro
She slightly laughs
M: it's fine I just don't like it when you call me bro
Y/n: okay sorry-

He had gotten mad that I called him bro- he's gonna have to deal with it tho cause I call everyone that. 20 minutes later we pulled up to my house.
Y/n: thanks for giving me a ride home
M: yeah no problem
We made eye contact, I felt myself lean in and next thing you know he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back ofc
Y/n: well I'll text you tomorrow
I say smiling
M: okay have a good night
He smiles back
Y/n: you too
I get off of the car and close the door. I walk into the house quietly cause my parents were already asleep. I go up to my room and take a quick shower then brush my teeth. I change into some shorts and a oversized teeshirt then lay down and slowly fall asleep.

Authors note: this was a pretty shitty chapter- it wasn't really a smut but lmk if I should do a smut next

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Meme of the day:

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