Part 1 "I don't want to play the piano anymore"

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Kageyama's father - YOU FALIURE!!

Kageyama's father punched Tobio's face as he turned pale as he started coughing blood

Kageyama's mother - Honey!! Please stop! He's still young!!

Kageyama's father - YOU SHUT UP!

Kageyama's father slapped Kageyama's mom as she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Then he turned at Tobio again and started punching him over and over.


As Kageyama slowly began to lose consciousness everything around him turned black as he passed out.

2 days later

Kageyama's pov

I woke up and found myself in a unfamiliar room. The smell of the hospital lingered around me as I inhaled the fresh atmosphere and sat up.

I was on the hospital bed, there were needles in both of my arms and my head was wrapped with bandages. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the head and groaned. The nurse rushed in and made me lay back down onto the bed.

Nurse - You mustn't sit up, you need to lay down and get good rest. Your head is severely injured!

I looked at the nurse with curious eyes and asked

Kageyama - Is my mom okay?

The nurse sighed and said in a tired tone

Nurse - Miss Kageyama is okay, your injuries were serious but hers was just a minor bruise. She has went back with your father

Kageyama - Oh

Nurse - How could you be so careless? Your father said that you got into a fight again. Kageyama you're still very young. I'm afraid your future won't be bright if you keep this up..

Father lied again.

In the past I had been admitted to this hospital plenty times because of getting beaten by him. But he would always make up excuses saying that I got into a fight and that I fell down the stairs to cover up the fact that he was the one who punched me.

The nurse has been taking care of me for the past 4 years. I'm surprised that I even withstand my dad for so many years. I'm surprised that I haven't been murdered yet.

After the nurse left the room I opened the curtain beside the bed and saw someone sitting on a hospital bed looking out at the window.

Kageyama - What are you doing here?

The person turned to look at me and I saw that he had golden eyelashes and golden hair. His Snow White collarbone was as white as the snow and he looked like an angel that descended from the sky.

??? - Does it hurt?

Kageyama - It does

??? - Must suck to not able to get up

Kageyama - Are you a patient as well?

??? - why else would I be here

The blonde laid down on the bed facing the other side as Kageyama stared at the back of the person

Kageyama - What's your name?

??? - ...
The person was silent for a moment that spoke in a low voice

Tsukishima - Tsukishima Kei

The next day mother visited me in the hospital room

Kageyama's mother - Tobio how is it? Does it still hurt..? Mom is sorry she couldn't stop your dad..

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