Part 2 "Friends"

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It was nighttime as I suddenly woke up from a nightmare. I was sweaty and it was hard to breathe. I looked around me and saw no one in the room except for Tsukishima who was sitting on the bed staring at the window beside him.

Kageyama - You're not going to sleep?

Tsukishima - I already did

I sat down on my bed and Tsukishima turned his head my way

Tsukishima - Nightmare?

Kageyama - Yeah..

Tsukishima - While you were asleep, your dad came to check on you.

I frowned, why would he come visit me? He who never bothered to even come to his own son's competitions, his own son's graduation

He who forced his own son to his likings and abused his own wife and children

Kageyama - What did he do to me while I was asleep?

Tsukishima - ask him yourself

Kageyama - Tch..You're not even going to tell me what he did? Perhaps he bribed you with money to stay shut?

Tsukishima - Maybe, maybe not

I puffed my cheeks out cursing Tsukishima in my head. Tsukishima suddenly said something that I never expected at all

Tsukishima - He said that he was sorry


Tsukishima - He was looking at you deeply while muttering sorry multiple times. He didn't even see me because he was so focused on you

Kageyama - What a joke

Tsukishima - believe what you want

I clutched my shirt as my heart started hurting
I decided not to say anything anymore and laid back down and went to sleep

The next day

The next day I woke up Miwa and my mom were there.

Miwa - Tobio! Already woken up??

Kageyama - Miwa san what are you doing here? What about work?

Miwa - My baby brother is more important!

Kageyama's mom - Now now, your sister was really worried. Here, we brought you porridge. Eat it while it's hot.

Kageyama - Thanks

I glanced at the bed beside mine and saw Tsukishima sleeping peacefully with his face facing my bed

Kageyama - Mother do you have another bowl of porridge?

Kageyama's mom - well I brought one just in case one wasn't enough.. but what are you going to do with it?

I looked at Tsukishima and looked back at my mother. She seemed to understand what I meant and nodded her head.

After a while Tsukishima woke up but my mother and Miwa were already gone.

Kageyama - Have you eaten?

Tsukishima - why do you ask?

I got up from my bed and started pouring the porridge into the bowl that my mother left me. I brought the porridge over to Tsukishima's bed and brought a chair to sit on.

Tsukishima who was surprised looked at me with a confused face

Kageyama - You've been refusing to eat the hospital food. I don't know why but it's not good starving yourself.

Tsukishima - why do you care

Kageyama - Because you're my friend idiot

Tsukishima - Friend?

Tsukishima frowned

Kageyama - What?

Tsukishima -  we've only known each other for two days.

Kageyama - who cares? I like you and that's all it matters

Tsukishima frowned even more

Kageyama - just open your mouth already

Tsukishima paused for a moment until opening his mouth

I scooped a spoonful of porridge and slowly blew on it before stuffing the spoonful into his mouth

I watched Tsukishima lightly chew on it, his eyelashes fluttered like an angel's and his frown slowly disappeared.

Kageyama - I knew you'd like it

Tsukishima - Not bad

After that Tsukishima kept opening his mouth as I shove spoonful of porridge over and over again until the bowl was completely clean, not even a single drop of porridge remained

Tsukishima took the bowl away from my hand and placed it on the small table beside his bed.
He then grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand gesturing me to get onto the bed.

I was confused but eventually got onto the bed. Suddenly Tsukishima embraced me from behind as my eyes widened in surprise. I tried to shake him off but damn how can a sick person have this much strength?

Tsukishima - You're my friend as well

I was slightly taken aback by his sudden words. Then he pushed me down onto the bed as he laid beside me hugging me as he fell asleep.

Kageyama - H-HEY!! LET GO!? What if someone comes in!!

Tsukishima - I don't care.


Just as I was about curse at Tsukishima a nurse suddenly came into the room and saw the sight of two men cuddling together in one bed.

The blonde nurse unconsciously took a step back looking flustered. Her face turned bright red and she shouted in a clumsy voice


The blonde nurse then ran out of the room as the room fell back into silence.

Great now they've been misunderstood.

Kageyama slowly slipped out of  the sleeping Tsukishima's arms and sat up as he looked at Tsukishima.

He could go back to his bed and sleep there but..

Kageyama laid back down, this time facing Tsukishima as he hugged Tsukishima falling asleep as well

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