Part 6 "Hatrd"

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Tohma grabbed Akihiko's wrist even tighter

Tohma - Akihiko what's wrong with you..? Why are you like this? We promised to be together remember??

Akihiko - Tohma let go of me.

Tohma - Why are you suddenly like this!?

Akihiko glared at Tohma with a cold piercing look

Akihiko - Tohma, I never loved you. I used you for my pleasure. There wasn't even once when I truly cared about you.
Akihiko sneered and he said something that crushed all of Tohma's insides forever

Akihiko - I have always hated you Tohma

He finally managed to slap Tohma's hand away

Akihiko - Don't ever contact me again

Saying that Akihiko packed his stuffs and left not giving Tohma a chance to recover from his shock. Akihiko looked back at Tohma one more time.
He wanted to run to the man, hug him and comfort him. But he couldn't after he came this far. He turned back and left the room slamming the door.

He clenched his fists and his eyes became redder and redder until tears fell out. Tohma thought to himself.

I'm the one who's hurt, I'm the one he left. But why was his expression so..hurt?

After everything happened, Tohma drastically changed. He became cold, unsociable and would often lock himself up in his room.
Mina, who was worried about him always come to the manor the check on him.

Every time he refused to see Mina, she just sighed and told him that she left him food in the kitchen and to eat when he's starving.

Akihiko on the other hand, had already planned to marry his girlfriend, Mai. Apparently she had been on love with Akihiko since high school. She even followed him to college watching him from a distance.
Akihiko found this amusing and agreed to be her boyfriend.
But no one knew what Akihiko was hiding behind the smile of his.
Even his own Fiancé, his soon to be wife.

After 6 months, Tohma finally opened up to Mina and agreed to his mother's request. To marry Mina. Akihiko on the other hand also married his fiancé Mai. Tohma, as expected didn't even get an invitation to his ex-love's wedding.

After  3 months of marriage, Tohma and Mina had a son. He had his mother's black hair and his father's deep blue eyes. Akihiko and Mai had also given birth to their second son.

Everything was going well. Sometimes Tohma would think of his days with Akihiko. He couldn't hate him, even if Akihiko was using him the whole time. In his heart he had a tiny hope that it wasn't true.
But what can he do? Akihiko refused to see him. Ignoring him as if he was some sort of stranger.
But unexpectedly, 2 years later.
He received a new that shattered his world to pieces.

Akihiko was dead

Yes that's right,
He's dead

As rain poured down, many people wearing black gathered around to bid farewell. Akihiko was a very friendly and social person so there were a lot of people mourning for his death. Among the crowd, there was a tall muscular figure wearing black. His face was black, full with killing intent. Tohma clenched his fists as his eyes reddened.

But he couldn't cry

He didn't have any tears left to cry anymore

??? - Uhm excuse me are you Tohma Kageyama?

Tohma coldly glared at the person but the person was unfazed and gave him an envelope

??? - It's me, Haru. We went to college together with Akihiko. Me and Akihiko has been in contact with each other for the past years. Before he died he told me to give this to you.

After giving the letter to Tohma, Haru bitterly smiled at walked away. Akihiko was too pitiful.

After getting back, Tohma read the letter I'm the envelope. Eyes widening.

Flashback to when Tohma left to see his mother at the manor

Akihiko woke up to see that Tohma has left. He lazily got up from the bed. Brushed his teeth and poured coffee for himself. He was sitting on an armchair when he noticed that Tohma's laptop was on.

Akihiko, as usual went over to close the forgetful Tohma's laptop only to see his boyfriend and his boyfriend's mother's conversation.

Akihiko frowned and read the conversation again  and again. He dropped his coffee cup as the mug shattered into pieces and coffee spilled  all over the floor.

Tohma was the only son of the Kageyama family.

His mother wanted him to marry someone

Akihiko stood there silent as countless thoughts flashed in his head. If Tohma continued to be with me, he would be like a thorn blocking Tohma's life to happiness.

He couldn't give birth or get pregnant

If they did stay together Tohma'a relationship with his mother might shatter to pieces like the coffe mug just did.

Akihiko slammed the desk as tears fell down

That's right

If there were together, he couldn't live peacefully without worrying.

Akihiko left the dorm, as he was walking down the streets with his gloomy face. A girl shouted her name and ran over to him.

??? - Ah sorry! I just saw you walking alone and wanted to ask if you would like to go to a nearby restaurant with me? I made a reservation for me and my friend but she said she was with her boyfriend.. I didn't want to waste the money I spent! We're from the same college after all!

Akihiko looked at the girl his thoughts unknown. The girl was short and she was pretty. She had short brown hair and golden brown eyes.

He pulled the girl away from the crowd to somewhere with less people and took her into an alley.

He held the girl's jaw making her look straight into his eyes. The girl's cheeks flushed red and he pressed his lips onto her.

This girl, he knew her very well

She was the girl who followed him around secretly since high school.

When he got back to the dorm, he sat on the bed waiting for Tohma's return. As he expected after seeing so many hickies and the red lipstick on his lips. Tohma became furious. He used this chance to drive Tohma away, hoping to make Tohma hate him.

I've always hated you

He packed his stuffs and left Tohma

Tears fell down, he was pathetic. He had driven away his love of his life. He has driven away him for his lover's own sake. But he wanted to be selfish. He wanted to keep his lover to himself. He wanted to embrace him, kiss him and be with him together.

But he didn't want to ruin his lover's future

He wanted his lover to start a normal family have children and live old

Everyday he would be tormented by nightmares. He married Mai, the girl who liked him since high school. They had two sons, his younger son would always sit by him watching him play the piano with curious eyes.

It reminded him of the days when he and Tohma used to sit in front of the piano, as Tohma watched him played. He also asked Akihiko to teach him piano.

He endured the pain and nightmares until he had enough

He couldn't live like this anymore

He couldn't love anymore

His love for Tohma would never go away and he would always be tormented by these nightmares

He completely gave up on life leaving his grieving family behind

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