Part 5 "Stuck in the past"

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That night Kageyama tossed and turned on his bed muttering "What" to himself several times. Even Miwa thought her little brother was possessed.

Finally after about 30 minutes of rolling around the bed thinking about the words Tsukishima said, he fell asleep. But what he didn't notice after he fell asleep was his father who slowly opened the door of his bedroom and walked inside.

He brushed away the hair covering Kageyama's forehead and smiled bitterly. Kageyama on the other hand who was deep asleep, didn't notice anything at all.

As he stroked his son's hair he recalled the old times he would take care of Akihiko when he was sick.

26 years ago

Akihiko - Seriously Tohma? What were you thinking! You could have been seriously hurt!

Tohma - So what? Do I have to just stand by and watch them insult you? I would have ripped them to pieces if it weren't for the Teachers!

Akihiko - I don't care what they say about me. Look at your face, it's all swollen and bruised..

Just then a voice from the speaker came and the man in the speaker repeated "Tohma Kageyama please report to the principal's office"

Tohma got up patted Akihiko's back gesturing him to calm down and left for the principal's office.

The kids who beat him up got a severe punishment getting suspended for a month. Tohma got away with a warning and the principal said that if he provoked someone again and a fight broke out, the punishment would be worse next time.

When Tohma got back him he listened to his mother's endless scolds. His mother was a single mom, his father left them to marry a younger woman who was only four years older than him.
And Tohma was 16 this year.
Ever since then Tohma stopped contacting his father and cut all ties with his dad and took the name "Kageyama" from her mother's family.

Akihiko - know how we've been dating for half a year now right?

Tohma - Mhm, why?

Akihiko - If one day, we were to tell our parents about our relationship, what will we do..

Tohma looked at Akihiko with a meaningful gaze

Tohma - No matter what my parents say, I will never give up on you. It's the same for you too right?

Akihiko smiled at his words and nodded

Akihiko - I will never give up on you either

Years passed and the two boys were now finally 20
They moved to a dorm together, studied for college together. They were simply, inseparable.

Akihiko - You're not sleeping yet?

Tohma - I still have something to do, you sleep first.

Tohma kissed Akihiko who was lying on the bed as Akihiko wrapped his arms around Tohma deepening the kiss as well. Then Tohma finally parted his lips and kissed Akihiko's forehead.

Tohma - Good night

Akihiko - mhm

After Akihiko went to sleep Tohma's gentle and calm face turned bright red, surpassing his anger. He clenched his fists as he watched the message his mother sent him.

"I found you a fiancé, come by the manor at 6 tomorrow"

"You know how much we suffered after your father left don't you?son please mother is tired now. It is your turn son, do not disappoint me"

Tohma's pov

I went back home the next day to see my mom. When I entered the living room, she was sitting on the couch drinking tea as a girl with long black hair and golden eyes sat across her.

Tohma - Mother I am here

I glanced at the girl, the girl saw me looking at her and lowered her head in embarrassment. I sneered and looked away.

Mother - This is Mina, she is the only daughter of X company. You and her both have reached the age of marriage.

Tohma - So what if she's the daughter of a mighty company? I'm not marrying her mother!

Mother - Tohma! Listen to your mom! Mother is trying her best to give you the best life! Do you still remember this mother, your mother who was crazy in love with your bastard father and got dragged down the mud!?

I immediately shut my mouth.

Tohma - I'm sorry mom but even if you think it's the best for me. I don't want to marry her.

The girl with black hair and golden eyes, Mina looked down at the ground, her face as pale as a person who's blood has been sucked out.

Mina - Miss it's okay..Tohma doesn't want to marry me. We should respect his decision.

Mother - Mina! What nonsense are you spouting!? Your mother was a great friend of mine..This was her last wish she asked me, for you to marry my son. Are you going to ignore your mother's death wish!?

Mina clenched her fists and trembled no longer responding.

I got up the sofa

Tohma - Mother I like men


Mina - !!!

I slowly lifted my hand and touched my cheek as it started stinging in pain.


Mother slowly staggered back while staring at her hand. She slowly trembled and sobbed. Tears ran down her cheeks as I recalled the days mother would always kneel on the ground, begging to god that father would feel at least a little bit of concern and love for her.

As my mother cried I saw her waver and immediately rushed to support my unconscious mom.

Tohma - Mother?? Mother!?

Mina - Miss.!!

From that day on my mother laid on the hospital bed unconscious. The doctor said it was due to extreme stress and shock. I inhaled a deep breath, and went back to the dorms.

Tohma - Akihiko..?

Akihiko - Ah..Tohma you're back

Third person pov
Tohma froze in place, grabbed his wrist and saw lipstick on his lips and hickies all around his neck.

Tohma frowned and Akihiko looked at him with an unfazed gaze.

Akihiko - Tohma let's break up.

Tohma - Is this a sick joke? Akihiko don't do this.

Akihiko - I have a girlfriend now. I'm breaking up with you Tohma. I hope you can accept my decision. Don't be stuck in the past Tohma. We both know we can never be together peacefully.

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