Part 10 "True feelings"

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From Kageyama's pov:

After the incident, Tsukishima stopped contacting him, I stopped contacting him, and we both just started to drift away..
Every night was terrible, I couldn't get any sleep and couldn't stop thinking about him.
I knew that he doesn't feel that way towards fact he never even stated that he was gay.
Even if we were to be together, father would surely try his very best to break us apart..the thought of never seeing Tsukishima again scares me but these lingering feelings inside my heart scares me even more.
But I don't want to ruin what we have just because of my one sided love.

From third person pov:

The next day Kageyama was determined, determined to reconcile with Tsukishima and to end this uneasy feelings once and for all.
Lucky enough, Tsukishima had gave him his address before.
Kageyama went looking for Tsukishima at the address that Tsukishima gave him.
*knock knock*
As Kageyama patiently waited outside, he heard the sound of the door creaking, someone opened the door, it was Tsukishima.
Tsukishima looked taken aback by Kageyama's sudden arrival and his eyes stared at him in surprise.
Tsukishima: what are you doing here?
Kageyama: I..
For a minute Kageyama was lost in a trance.
The feelings of uneasiness came back.
Knowing that the person right in front of you is the love of your life and that person doesn't love you, Kageyama could suffocate.
Tsukishima waited patiently for Kageyama's answer while Kageyama just stood at the doorstep saying nothing.
Tsukishima: Just come in.
Tsukishima gestured him to come into the house and he gladly entered.
The house was neat and tidy, very spacious with only a few furniture.
He sat down on the couch and looked around, he saw baby pictures of Tsukishima and his mother. He also saw pictures of Tsukishima with his brother. He looked very handsome even as a kid.
Just then Tsukishima placed a cup of coffee on the table.
Tsukishima: You drink coffee?
Kageyama nodded
Tsukishima slid the coffe mug over to Kageyama and sat beside him on the couch.
Tsukishima: So what brings you here?
Kageyama: I just, wanted to see you.

Tsukishima was quiet

Kageyama: I know, you don't feel the same way..I know I'm selfish but I love you, I really do and I just can't forget about you I just..
Tears started to roll down from Kageyama's cheeks and Tsukishima was taken aback. Kageyama really hated being vulnerable, especially in front of the person he loves but it has been so long since he has opened up to anyone. He didn't want to loose Tsukishima.
Tsukishima reached his hand out and gently stroked away the tears and cupped both of Kageyama's cheeks with his long and delicate hands.

Tsukishima: I'm sorry Tobio, I should have never made you cry that night..I should have never ghosted you like this. I'm so sorry..I love you too, I really love you
As Tsukishima said this his eyes softened giving him an ethereal appearance.
Kageyama was in shock, everything was happening so fast, he didn't know what to think.
Tsukishima: That time, I was taken aback by what you said, I had never loved someone..I didn't know how I was feeling...
Tsukishima said while gently stroking Kageyama's cheeks.
Tsukishima: And even if you didn't come to find me, I would have come find you.
Kageyama: I thought you were avoiding didn't want to see me..?
Tsukishima: I was afraid that you wouldn't want to see me, i was also unsure of my feelings..
Tsukishima slowly leans in closer and closer until they can feel each-other's breaths syncing.
Tsukishima: ..But now I'm sure that I don't want to loose you ever again.

Immediately, Tsukishima pressed his lips against Kageyama's. Their tongues intertwined with each other. The sound of two people passionately in love filled the room. Everything seemed to stop for a second, it was like a dream for both of them. As they lock their fingers with each other, they would never forget this sweet moment for the rest of their life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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