Chapter 13:

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4 months later/ 6 1/2 months of JJ and Reid dating

Will's POV:

It's been months since I've seen that whore. Who knows where the fuck she's been? I've had all of MY fucking furniture taken because of that little bitch. She even has a restraining order against me. Not to mention I'm being convicted of all sorts of crimes when it was her fault. She deserved it, that little slut wanted it. I should have fucking killed her ass when I had the chance.

Spence and I walk into work and see Morgan with a huge grin and Rossi's eyes lighten up. I notice Garcia mouth 'sorry'. Oh what did she do.

"I thought I heard something in that hotel room," Morgan starts, "but I just didn't think Reid would do something like that," he says slapping Spence on the back.

Shit, it's about that case in Florida. I knew Garcia can't couldn't keep secrets but I at least thought she could keep this one.

"You didn't wait till you guys were pregnant right? Well, it's been 4 months and you don't look pregnant," Rossi says examining my stomach.

"Garcia I am gonna strangle you," I say about to jump at her.

Spence hangs on to me, pulling me back.

"I was just joking," I say looking up at him with a fake smile.

"Doesn't surprise me, you two have lived together for months. It was bound to happen," Hotch says which surprises me.

"JJ's gotta be on birth control, we all know the innocent ones are wild," I hear Morgan say as he squeezes Spence's shoulder, "unless, you two are trying to get pregnant."

"That's gonna be a no to both of those statements," I say walking to do my paperwork.

"Don't you people have work to do?" Spence asks as he sits to do his own.

I hear snickers from Morgan and Rossi. For grown men they both can have child like tendencies, but who am I to talk? I do that all the time.

Will's POV:

I think about all the places JJ could be. She wouldn't be with her mother, they didn't really get along. She wouldn't be at a hotel, to damn expensive. She could be at that son of a bitches house, or maybe that one girl who acts like a fucking child. Either way I'm gonna find her and make sure she pays.

3 1/2 months later/ 9 months of them dating

Will's POV still:

After what seemed like forever, I found that the slut was living with that son of a bitch. From the first day I dated her, I knew he would get in the way somehow. I'm gonna kill his ass instead. She'll get more pain out of that. I've watched them for a few days, watching him kiss her, hug her, hold her. All things that I could be doing, that I HAVE done. She's an ungrateful little bitch. I notice they go to the apartment, causing me to follow. I knock on the door, staying away from the peep hole.

"Who's there," JJ questions from inside.

"I'm not sure, could be a package," that asshole says as he opens the door.


"JJ don't move or so help me I will kill his ass," I glare at her.

"Will, put the gun down ok? He hasn't done anything," she pleads.

"Yes he has, ever since I met him. He has always loved you and you've been too blind to see it," I spit.

Watching her cry makes me even angrier. How could she love this pathetic loser. I shoot him in the chest, not knowing if it was a fatal shot. I run out of the apartment and through the stairwell.


I scream as he shoots Spence. I didn't even know he had left. All I cared about was that Spence would be ok. How could I have let this happen? In shock I dial 911.

"911 how may I help you," the operator says.

"An FBI agent has been shot, Capital Plaza Apartments, room 23 second floor. HURRY," I yell.

"Where has the agent been shot?" She asks.

"In the chest, I'm not exactly sure where just get here NOW," I scream.

"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to calm down ok?"

"Spence? Spencer? Please!" I sob while holding pressure on his wound.

I watch as the police arrive with an ambulance. I see Hotch, Emily, Morgan, Rossi, and Garcia all come to talk to me. I can't hear anything. I only watch as they are bringing Spence on a stretcher. He is hooked up to all sorts of medical machines. He isn't breathing. Then they shut the door, they shut me out, I can no longer see him.

"JJ," I hear from a distance.

"JJ," I hear again.

I snap my head to see Emily looking into my eyes. She looked worried. I see her mouth moving, but can't hear the words she is saying. I feel like I'm drowning, but can't swim back up. Like I'm being held under. I see them motion me into one of our SUVs. I snap out of my trance, Emily is holding my hand in the back while Hotch drives, Morgan in the passenger seat looking back at me. I burst into tears as the feeling of realization washes over me. I have so many questions that can't be answered. When we arrive to the hospital I jump out and run. I almost get hit by a car, but so don't care. I need to know Spence will be ok.

"Spencer Reid, where is Spencer Reid?" I ask the doctor.

"I'm sorry I can't give ou-," he starts to say.

"I'm a fucking FBI agent," I yell, " WHERE IS HE," I begin weeping as Emily comes to hold me.

She pulls out her badge and the doctor leads us to his room.

"He has to go into surgery in 2 minutes, we aren't sure if he will make it," the doctor says in a solemn voice.

I walk towards him to hold his hand.

"Please don't leave me Spence," I say with tears in my eyes, "I'm pregnant," with that, they take him away into surgery.

You guys didn't think I'd forget about Will... did you?

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