Chapter 7:

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Reid's POV:

I wake up to see JJ's face buried into my chest. I notice one of my arms hand fallen asleep underneath her and one of my legs was over hers. I wish I could tell her how I felt, but I'm not sure if she feels the same. Not to mention the fact she had just left a bad relationship. Is it even normal to sleep like this with your best friend like this? I hear the sound of her talking in her sleep.

"I love you," she says sweetly.

I can't help but hope she is dreaming of me. That's when I feel her hand moving, which would have been fine.. if it hadn't been on my dick. I pray to god hoping I don't get hard. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Luckily, she moved again, taking her hand with her. I see her eyes begin to flutter as she wakes up. At first she seemed surprised, but then happy.

"Sorry, I forgot I wasn't alone," she says pressing herself closer.

"Were you having a dream?" I ask wonder what it was about.

"Yea how'd you know?" she replied curiously.

"You talk in your sleep," I state with a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't wake you up did I?"

"Even if you had I wouldn't have minded."

She squeezes me then gives me a kiss on the cheek.  Not knowing what to do, I just give her a stunned look. I should have kissed her then.

"Mind if I go back to sleep?" She says looking at the clock.

It was only 4am.

"I didn't realize how early it was," I say also tired.

I felt JJ turn over and scoot back into me, leaving me to spoon her. "Now, tell her now" my brain kept telling. Yet once again, I couldn't.


I wake up a few hours later. I look at the clock to see it was 7:29. I begin to turn over, but Spenceis laying over top of me. His head on my chest. Smiling, I begin playing with his long hair. He turns his head looking at me.

"Hey," I say still playing with his honey colored hair.

"Good morning," he says closing his eyes and laying back down.

"I'm thinking of taking a shower?" I say wondering if that's ok.

"Oh yea, I'll get out of here," he says putting his arms down on both sides of me, towering over my small frame

It makes me a bit tense, but caused my stomach to flutter at the same time. As he gets up I notice my shirt was pulled up. I rapidly covered myself up.

"I'll be fast."

I jump in the shower and turn on the hot water. It feels great in my back. I continue my shower. Just as I'm about to get out, I hear a knock at the door.

"Sorry to bother you," I hear a familiar voice say, "but you don't have a towel in there do you?"

I look around hopeful to find a towel. Shit, there's no towel.

"Umm, no... there's not," I say with a perplexing look.

"I have one out here if your finished," he says seemingly nervous.

I open the door slightly trying to grab the towel, once I have it I wrap it around myself, opening the door. I notice Spence looking for something to wear.

"I'll change over here," I motion to the side of the bed, "if you don't look," I say jokingly.

I hear him laugh from the other side of the bed. I grab my clothes a begin to change.

Spence's POV:

I wait until JJ gives me the "ok" to turn around. She's wearing the new jeans shorts and deep blue crop top that matches her eyes. I notice her look down at her phone somewhat mad and scared as she sits down on the bed.

"Everything ok?"

"Oh, it's- it's Will. He wants to know where I am and why I haven't been home in three days. He wasn't that straight forward though," she states with tears welling in her eyes.

"Do you want to file a report? You could get a restraining order against him and he won't be able to bother you anymore," I suggest slowly.

"I'm just scared. I know it's pathetic, but I'm just really worried about what he might do," she admits.

"It'll be okay. I'll be with you every step of the way, I promise," I wrap my arms around her.

The Next Day at the BAU (still Reid's POV):

I drive JJ to work, thinking nothing of it. That was until Morgan starts at it with his antics.

"So... pretty boy? You gettin at it with JJ?" He says smirking.

"No, that's not the reason so just stop. Speaking of which I need to speak with Hotch, it's important," I say serious.

"He's in his office," Morgan says confused.

I walk up the stairs to Hotch's office to tell him. JJ had wanted me to do it because she was ashamed, which she had no need to be. I knock and wait to be let in.

"Come in."

"Hey Hotch," I say closing the door, "we have to talk about JJ and Will".

"What about?"

I begin to tell him all the things JJ had told me about him and what he had done to her. I could tell Hotch was extremely angry, they had always been close in a fatherly and daughter type way.

"I will need a statement from JJ written down," he says, "do you mind bringing her in here?"

"No problem," I say walking out the door. I motion JJ to come inside.

"JJ, if you will, I need a statement written down from you," he says in a rather calming, sweet voice, something he doesn't do often.

JJ nods and begins to write what Will had done, I stand to the side watch Hotch stare at her arm.

"He did this as well?" he asks looking at her deep cut.

"Yes," JJ says looking down, frowning.

I bend down to place my hand on her shoulder.

"Where have you been staying? I need to make sure he can't get to you."

JJ looks at me with wide eyes, not knowing what to say.

"She's been staying with me since Friday night," I say looking at the floor.

"Oh, that's safe at least. Have you thought about getting a restraining order? This report may take time to send in but a restraining order should be a lot faster."

"I was about to file one yesterday, but I was hoping to put it through you since it was faster?"

"Do you have the paperwork with you?"


"Ok, I will have them file this hopefully within 2-5 days. I also need you to stay with Reid until your safe from Will. This could be a month or more," he says looking at both me and Reid.

"Great, thank you Hotch," She says gratefully.

"I will send officers to your house to see if Will is home, if not I would like to begin moving your stuff into a storage unit."

I smile at Hotch as me and JJ walk out of his office. JJ gives me a hug, glad she was no longer with that monster.

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