II. At breaking point.

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Holy shit you guys, I've almost caught up to where the rest of you are on The 100 and I'm very close to my breaking point of feels. Send help.

But on the kind-of-bright-side: I have many ideas. Many~.

The wonderful cover  on the side-- or top-- belongs to A43Cordero thank you, it's awesome!

Bold= Swedish.

C H A P T E R   I I

Carter shot up with a sudden gasp, cold air curling around her lungs. The obnoxious buzz of electricity echoed in her ears, and she winced, opening her eyes. It took a while for her to get used to the flare of the light and she shielded her eyes with her hand as she looked around.

She wasn't in the forest she fell asleep in.

She wasn't even in the clothes she went to bed in, but a dress. A long, simple black dress that she never recalled owning. The room was too dark for her to recognize anything but she slowly got to her feet, curling her toes at the coldness of the floor. The light began to flicker, illuminating the room for a fraction of a second before throwing her back into darkness. On the other side, she spotted a metal door and stumbled her way there, her legs didn't feel as though they belonged to her.

Turning the handle, she sucked in a deep breath, preparing herself for the worst outcome. Squeezing her eyes shut, she swung the door open, her muscles tensed expecting some form of blow to be sent her way. But there was nothing. Just silence.

"Ah, look who finally decided to join us."

That voice. Carter's eyes shot open and she gasped at the smiling figure of her father who stood a few feet away from her. With wide, disbelieving eyes she glanced around the room. She was back on the Ark-- but how? The lighting in this room was subtle yet banished any lurking shadows that lingered in corners. There was a massive table lavished with different kinds of foods, but she didn't pay any mind to that, she just blanched at her father. He was alive and in front of her.

"Dad..." She breathed with relief, throwing her arms over his shoulder and hugging him tightly. He returned the gesture and chuckled good naturedly over her shoulder. "I've missed you so much."

"As have I." Kane mumbled, pulling away, "Now come on, you've kept us waiting long enough." He stepped to the side so she could get a better view of the table and her eyes widened at the sight. Not at the richness of the food, no. But the people that were waiting patiently behind their chairs, all eyes on her.

Finn, Raven, Clarke, Jasper, Monty. Bellamy. 

"It's about damn time, I'm starving." Jasper smiled widely and Carter swallowed, her stomach dropping as she examined everyone's expressions. They were happy. There was no signs of worry, concern or anger burdening their guise. There was no dirt, blood or grime on their faces, no torn clothes or weapons slung over shoulders. They all wore smart clothing, not a hair out of place, not a posture out of line.

It felt wrong.

The people staring at her wore her friend's faces, spoke with their voices but they weren't them. If they were then there was no way Monty and Jasper would stand there, perfectly poised and not bickering or staring at the food longingly. Raven wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut about something, more than likely something to do with mechanics. Finn wouldn't be smiling patiently at her, but telling her to hurry her ass up so he could eat. Clarke and Bellamy would be throwing orders left, right and center, making battle plans, not have their hands clasped behind their backs like it was instinctive for them.

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