VII. You've got me.

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I'm really sorry for the wait! Work's been as hectic as you like ¬.¬

I felt really bad for leaving you guys for so long so I kind of made this. It's short of 3000 words so it's not incredibly long, but it's not short either.

Also, it's not edited as my editor is probably asleep and I'll let her check it tomorrow once she has returned from slumber :D

Bold= Swedish.


"Give me a second to just process this..." Carter frowned, propping her elbows on the table as her hands curled around her mug of moonshine. "So, you're telling me that everyone-- including Monty-- is in Mount Weather, the place that is using Grounder blood to restore their own health?"

"Yes," Clarke nodded, her voice low and husky, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves. It had been a day since the trio was found in Tondc, Steven was still being treated for his arm injury and Kara had secluded herself, only ever leaving her room when she was made to. But Carter was entirely different. She couldn't wait to be discharged from the medical ward, fiercely proclaiming that if she was forced to rest another minute, she would blow a fuse. So, the first thing she did was go straight to their makeshift bar and order a drink as Clarke filled her in on what she had missed, but no one dared to bring up the situation with Finn.

Considering it had only been a small number of days since they last saw each other, it felt like a lifetime.

Currently, Clarke, Carter, Raven and Bellamy were sat around one of the tables pushed away from the rest, talking about what needs to be done involving their friends in Mount Weather.

"I have a feeling that they're gonna start using our friends if we don't act soon." Clarke murmured, looking between Carter and Raven. "But getting them out won't be easy, especially since my escape. They've probably doubled their guards to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again."

"I don't care if we have to move the damn mountain, we're getting our friends back." Carter declared, lifting the mug to her lips, though frowned when she tasted nothing. She drank it all already? Before that question could be answered, four more mugs were slammed into the middle of the table, loud enough to gain the attention of the three girls but not hard enough that the moonshine toppled over.

"What did I miss?" Bellamy asked, grabbing one of the mugs and sitting beside Carter, glancing at them expectantly.

"The usual-- trying to work out how we're gonna get into Mount Weather." Carter shrugged, gulping on her new mug of moonshine. Yet oddly enough, she didn't even feel slightly tipsy, not like she did with Monty's moonshine.

"How many have you had to drink?" Bellamy quirked an eyebrow, watching with amusement as Carter cradled the mug as if it was a delicate newborn baby.

"I haven't been counting, but don't worry, I'm not drunk. This stuff is weak as shit, and I'm the lightweight." Carter waved him off nonchalantly. Ever since they had been reunited the day before, one of them was always checking up on the other, making sure they weren't going to lose each other again. Carter had also found out that it was Bellamy who sat beside Carter when she was unconscious and that he didn't want to leave her side, but Clarke insisted he cleaned himself up and get his facial wounds tended to.

"Jesus, what's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?"

Carter immediately stiffened upon hearing his voice and shot up out of her chair, causing it to topple over. She looked at him with wide eyes, full to the brim with unspoken fury. Murphy merely stared back, shocked at her sudden reaction.

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