XXI- Renegades.

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Two updates in less than a day? Do I feel okay?

I keep forgetting the name of Bellamy and Carter's ship because I'm a top author like that. Anyway! Get excited because their reunion is the next chapter (whoop.)

Not edited bc I'm still too lazy to send it to my editor (again, I'm really sorry Rose, ily.)

Alright, enjoy guys :)


"Look, Jasper, I'm not saying that I lack faith in this plan but..." Carter grimaced. "I lack faith in this plan."

"Then have faith in me." The boy in question replied simply. "I've gone over it a dozen times in my head, it's fool proof okay? I won't let anything happen to any of us."

"I know... But a blood bath? I'm not about that life." Carter shuffled awkwardly.

"I am," Came a disturbingly chirpy voice. "Wanna swap places?"

"No, Rae." Carter deadpanned with a half lidded scowl. Jasper frowned slightly, only able to hear Carter and not what Rae was saying. "You stay put. You're our eyes where Monty can't see."

"You're no fun." Rae sighed. "Fine, whatever. I guess I'll have to use my other skills another day."

"I swear she's a budding psychopath." Carter mouthed towards Jasper in the lowest voice she could manage without becoming completely inaudible.

"Sensitive microphone, Carter." Rae's tone was flat. "I can still hear you, so don't insult me like that... I'm not budding. I'm a fully flowered psychopath."

Carter opened her mouth, though no words came out, mainly because she had no words concerning what Rae said. And yet the red head thought she has a right to call Carter weird...

She watched intricately as Jasper ran around the open space which was once their bedroom, making the last preparations to his plan. She had never seen the boy so determined before, his eyes were wide and hard as he stared around, taking count of how many people were barricaded behind the bedroom doors. He had done the same thing several times and Carter was a little concerned for him. He wanted his plan to go right, so did she, but he seemed to be checking everything a little too much.

"He wants to leave," Monty explained, standing beside Carter as they both watched Jasper continue with his counting. "We all do. He just doesn't want to fail us."

Carter pursed her lips and nodded firmly. "He isn't going to fail us. This plan is pretty good, it's just... The Mountain Men are predictable."

"You just have to believe in him, Sparky, I do-- but that's what best friends do." He smiled faintly. "I'm sure you believed in all of Finn's crazy plans."

She winced at the sound of her best friend's name. It wasn't Monty's fault, how was he supposed to know Finn was dead? He had been locked up in the Mountain longer than any other member of the Hundred, and even they didn't know about Finn.

"Speaking of which," Monty continued, seemingly unperturbed by Carter's pained expression. "I'm surprised he let you come here alone. We all know how Finn is when it comes to putting your life on the line. If anything I would have thought he'd join you."

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