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My name is L/N Y/N.
I was an ordinary girl, like many others.

I grew up with my strict parents who would condemn me for every little thing I did wrong.
"Y/N! You're not sitting straight!"
"Y/N! That's not polite!"
"Y/N you didn't greet your father good morning!"
"Y/N your clothes are inappropriate!"

It was most certainly not a fun childhood.
Apart from them nitpicking on my attitude, posture, and whatnot, I was filled with like a million extra classes.

I had various music lessons.
The piano, the guitar, the violin, the flute, and even the damn Guzheng. Apparently, it's good for you to learn an instrument (emphasis on 'an', aka 1 instrument).
Because seriously though, who needs to learn that many musical instruments anyways?
It's not like I'm trying to conduct my very own band consisting of only one person named me.
Like why?

Apart from those wretched music lessons, I had lessons for the arts too. At least this was more calming to the soul but still, I think that it's a little extra.
I had calligraphy classes, painting classes, sewing classes, language classes, dance classes, and drawing classes. All not so very useful, except for the language one.

However, I do have things that I actually enjoy.
My favorite classes were most definitely the martial arts classes that I actually willingly go for; Taekwondo, KungFu, MuayThai, Jujitsu, and Karate. Fun~

Sports too.
Truly one of my favorites. But that's only cause I have a small tiny little obsession over some anime :D  (Daichi crush me with your thighs!) <- please excuse that, it wasn't me.

Anyways, shows like Kuroko no basket, Yuri on ice, Free, Haikyuu, you name it! They are all awesome!
Thus, I too enjoy playing sports since I'm very easily influenced as you can probably already tell.

My parents ain't very happy about by not so secret addiction to anime but eh whatever. Hot anime males and females over parents any day!🔥

You think I'm finished with my long introduction? Nope.
I still have the classic tuition classes for like every subject. I take nine subjects in total.
- English
- Additional Math
- Elementary Math
- Geography
- History
- Social Studies
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English Literature
(All subjects sucks. So please don't ask me what my favorite subject is, cause I don't have one. Like how can you enjoy any of those things up there?)

Anywho, my life couldn't get any better I think. I was top in my class, had great friends(they were a little nuts, but I still love them), had rather good looks if I must say so myself(I promise you I ain't a narcissist), and plus, I even had a boyfriend(I know, SHOCKING).

So what could possibly go wrong?
Oh, apparently everything.


I died.
How? I tripped over air by the sidewalk and fell, knocking my head against the fence on the side, hard. And everything was history.

It was kind of weird to die.
Everything became dark and at the next moment, I was standing in front of a gigantic black gate.

The person outside of said gate asked me of my cause of death, "How did you die?" (To ask for my death is kind of rude if you ask me, but that's just my opinion💀)

I stared at him incredulously.
Looking around I noticed many dozens of people lining up behind me. Some looking like they had just fought a grim war, with some looking so sickly pale that they looked almost transparent.

It was only then had I fully registered that I'd died.

"How did you die?" The person with the black mask asked me again, his tone laced with impatience.

I shook my head before answering in a confused, questioning manner, "I tripped over air?"

The dude by the gate literally eyed me like I'm crazy, before instead of allowing me to walk through the huge gate in front of me, said person decided to smack the back of my head once.
I swear to God when he did, my vision flashed white for a second before a whole new world embraced me.


"I have a dick?! How do I work this?!"


"I miss my wonderful vagina! T-T"




"OH MY GOD, I'm in Haikyuu!! 




"Look at milk boi Kageyama in action"


"Iwaizumi Hajime, your arms are beautiful"


"Hah Fuck you coach!"


"What do you mean you need to leave?"

"Don't go M/N I'll miss you, please"


"Stay M/N, please stay."


Only by completing missions, daily quests, and any mini objective could one earn points for her to return back to her own reality.
Y/N would have to work hard to accumulate as much points as possible to return home.

Can Y/N do it?
And what would happen along the way?
Read to find out~

Coming soon on 11th July 2021~

Stay happy readers! ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

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