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It was the following day, and I was bored out of my mind in class as I gazed outside the window, admiring the birds.

Urgh. When does school end again?
I sighed, laying my head on the desk. A quick nap won't hurt.
Hours later~
Wait, what time is it?
Blinking my eyes repeatedly, I waited for my vision to clear up before looking around. Noticing that the classroom was empty, I turned my attention to the wall clock.

Oh. School ended.

I slept for 5 hours straight and no one bothered to wake me up? Sweet!
Oh wait, club activities starts in 30 minutes and I'm starving... Oh to eat or not to eat, such a difficult question (Lies, of course I'm eating).

Packing up my things, I exited the classroom to head over to the cafeteria to get some food.

Hm, today's the day that Nishinoya returns from suspension was it?

All of a sudden, X's figure manifested beside me. Damn, I can never get used to that.

Yeah, he's returning back today.

I grinned, "Nice, so I'll get to meet him. How awesome!"

I was absolutely excited to meet the one and only Nishinoya Yu. However, because of my shitty anime logic/luck, I was bound to not meet him today.

Yeah... You won't be seeing him.

"Wait why?" I looked at X in alarm.

Check your phone and you'll see.

"What do you mea— Oh. What the fuck?" I blinked, opting to switch my phone off and on again to double-check.
The message was still there.




From: Old man

Brat! Come to Shiratorizawa for training today(now). I've already informed your school and club teacher in charge of your absence. So get your butt over here.
Don't try to run. I will find you :)

I turned to X, "He can do that?!"

Do what?

"Just pull me out of school like that?"

Well, technically school is over, and plus, it's an anime. Logic doesn't actually fully apply here.

X shrugged as he continued to walk.

So are you going to get food or no?

"I have a feeling that I shouldn't eat before training with the old man... And he also said to go over now." I sighed, running my head in frustration.

"Guess I'm going to go hungry." I pouted, looking pitifully at X as I changed direction, heading out of Karasuno.

X pats my head sympathetically.

𝚂𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚇  [Haikyuu x reader]Where stories live. Discover now