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Bzzt. Bzzt.

Mission 6: 

Get Sugawara Koushi to lay on your lap》

Reward: 133 points
Criteria: For at least 5 minutes
Failure results in penalty spin.
Time limit: 191 hours, 59 minutes 

Good Luck!


Oh fuck.
What the actual hell?
Get Suga to lay on my lap?! We just got to know each other!?

The gods hate me I swear...
Though this mission is relatively kind compared to all my previous ones, we literally just met. How's he going to do something so comfortable with me so fast within 8 days of meeting?

Apparently, I also didn't realize that I was just staring at Suga the whole time since I was too shocked and angry at the system until Tanaka pointed it out.
X how could you do this to me?! I thought we were friends. T-T

X magically appeared once more, giving me a sad pout, "I told you I technically don't control the missions!"

X huffed as he stomped on the floor once like an angered child before vanishing from my sight once more.

I wanted to ask him if he was alright seeing that he, all of a sudden wasn't in a good mood anymore, but Tanaka was getting impatient.

"So? Answer me and stop staring blankly already!"

Shaken back to reality I shot a sweet alluring smile at Tanaka saying, "I'm sorry I was distracted by something simply gorgeous." Ensuring that I deliberately made eye contact with Suga.

He blushed at my comment, opting to look away to calm himself down.

"Forgive Tanaka for his rowdiness. So why are you here?" Daichi eyed Tanaka sternly.

"First impressions are important Daichi-san!"

Both Daichi and I ignored Tanaka, "Oh! I was here to inquire on whether or not this is the boy's volleyball club."

Daichi looked puzzled for a second, "Yes this is the volleyball club. Why are you asking?"

"Oh, the thing is I just joined the club. I passed the application form to Kiyoko-san yesterday not sure if she'd inform you yet." And almost as if on cue, Daichi's phone beeped notifying him that he had received a text.

"Huh... It's Shimizu. Ah, so you're the new member." Daichi uttered out, looking at me.

Suga peeped over Daichi as he glanced at Daichi's phone for a second before looking back at me, nodding in approval. His flushed cheeks settled and passed.

I nodded. "Hello, I'm Akiri M/N." Bowing politely to them.

"Ah, I see. I'm Daichi Sawamura, captain of the boy's volleyball team. Welcome, Akiri-san."

"So you're a new member. Hi, I'm the vice-captain Sugawara Koushi, but everyone calls me Suga for short." Suga introduced before nudging Tanaka to do the same.

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