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Bzzt. Bzzt.

Penalty 3:

《Get praised by Kita Shinsuke》

Reward: 95 points
Failure results in INSTANT DEATH.
Time limit: 487 hours, 54 minutes

Good Luck!


Wow, I can't believe the first time I see them would only be just a glimpse as they literally dash by. One could only guess what Atsumu did to Osamu— probably steal his food or something along those lines, I reckon.

Ah, yes. I just saw the infamous Miya twins. How exciting! I can't help but wonder what their personalities are like. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I'm sure I'll bump into them again sooner or later. After all, whatever plot armor I have demands it.


As M/N was allocated to his first-year class, the first thing that he noticed was the rather odd arrangement of the tables.

M/N hadn't seen such a peculiar table plan since his past life in primary school. The seats were literally the definition of an organized mess. They were in no specific order, with both even and odd numbers of joined seats. It kind of resembles the structure of a movie theater. Choosing a place, M/N had opted to pick the empty seat at the back of the classroom, by the window.

M/N's table was at the furthest end of the class with an empty seat beside him, suggesting that M/N was about to get a partner.

'I wonder who it could be? Probably not someone I would know, that's for sure' M/N thought to himself.


M/N stand corrected. He recognized the person who had the honor to be sitting beside him in mild shock. What a lucky guy that person is, especially to be graced by the handsome M/N himself.

What honor? You mean misfortune?

X commented as he took a glance at M/N's new seatmate, who obviously has no clue of X's existence.

Ignoring X's irrelevant opinion, M/N continued to look at his seatmate in some form of bewilderment. He hadn't expected to recognize anyone from his class. As ultimately, he was a first-year, and the more popular figures in Haikyuu Inarizaki were in the second or third year.

Honestly, M/N initially hadn't recognized the person sitting beside him at all. After all, he wasn't as prominent of a character like the eccentric Miya twins or their hot as fuxk captain. But that little tremble of his hands that M/N observed as he sat down instantly jolted M/N's already fading memory. His new partner was none other than Riseki Heisuke.

"Hey, I'm er your buddy for the extent of your stay in Inarizaki. It's nice to meet you, I'm Riseki Heisuke. Welcome to Inarizaki." Riseki introduced himself, giving a small polite bow with his head.

"Ah, it's nice to meet you as well, I'm Akiri M/N from Karasuno." M/N gave a slight tilt of his head towards the ground in return.

"Well then Akiri, after this lesson, I'll show you around the school during our break. Is that alright with you?" Riseki questioned, his tone and speech still extremely polite.

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