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Bzzt. Bzzt.

First Mission:

《 Make the protagonist of Haikyuu, Hinata Shoyo kneel before you》

Reward: 100 points
Failure results in penalty spin.
Time limit: 47 hours, 59 minutes

Good Luck!

Oh shit.

Ignoring the poor guy I bumped into due to my state of shock, I stood up from the ground by myself before rubbing my eyes aggressively hoping to somehow mistaken the little tangerine for someone else.

"Hello! I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I'm Hinata Shoyo! I'm 6 years old!", Hinata brightly introduces himself.

"Akiri M/N, 6, and I'm sorry for crashing into you too" I spoke waving my hand awkwardly at him, with a calm look on my face.

Internally, I was not doing okay. Not at all. I was fangirling like crazy or now, fanboying... Since I'm not a girl anymore(and I'm proud to say that I don't miss being a girl at all. Like no periods? Count me in!)
I just can't believe I'm in the world of Haikyuu, and the main storyline hasn't officially started yet.


If it was another anime like Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen I might just cry. Like demons or dangerous spirits? No thank you!

Now onto the next problem, how the heck am I supposed to make him kneel before me?
Like I can't just go, 'Hinata-kun can you please kneel for me'
Wait, shit that sounds so damn wrong! Curse my unholy mind. Of all things, my first compulsory mission has to be this. WHYYYYY?

Sniffling a little to hide the few stray tears that appeared due to my aggravation with the system, I decided to try and strike up a conversation.
I don't exactly have a plan as to how I'm going to get Hinata to kneel before me yet, but I definitely need to make friends with him like hello? It's THE Hinata Shoyo, the main protagonist of Haikyuu and if I stick with him I can most certainly meet the characters of Haikyuu.
I will never miss out on the chance to ogle at hot guys in the future! (I'm most definitely going to go to Karasuno in the future) Plus I actually need him around to figure out how to complete my mission.

"You...um friends um..yes?" I awkwardly said.

Oh, my freaking gods. Curse my anti-socialness coming up. At this very moment? Really?
While I'm in front of the one and only Hinata Shoyo? *Sigh*
I really got to work on my people skills. 0-0

"Oh, nice to meet you Akiri-kun! And yes of course we can be friends!", Hinata smiled brightly at me as I looked at him slightly stunned.

Holy Asahi.
He understood me...
He understood my poor excuse for a sentence. I'm-I'm so touched. Forgetting all about my gracelessness, I jumped onto him, wrapping my hand around him, engaging a tight bear hug with him.


"Yeah?" I questioned, my voice slightly muffled due to me smashing my face onto the crook of his neck.

"Do you want to come over to my house? We can play there." Hinata suggested.

"Sure" I replied instantly without thinking, after all maybe I can make him kneel in a prince and princess game or something.
Though I feel like I'm forgetting something.

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