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The first thing that Semi was greeted with when he entered back into the Shiratorizawa gym was the sight of 2 insane people running around the gym like a cat and mouse. He had initially given zero care to whoever wanted to act like five year old children. However, as Semi concentrated a little harder at the zooming figure he was taken aback.

M/N? What the heck is he doing here in Shiratorizawa?

"Okay, what the heck is going on around here?" Semi questioned as he stepped foot back into the gym.

M/N even had the audacity to look so damn innocent after doing whatever shenanigans he has cooked up with Shirabu.

Wait a minute... With Shirabu?!
What the heck?!
How does Shirabu know M/N? Do they even know each other? What?

"Uhoh, Semisemi the mother hen is back!" Tendou chirped out, watching as Semi had very easily stopped the two.

Ignoring Tendou's unnecessary comment, Semi brought his main focus to M/N, "Why are you here M/N?"

M/N shrugged nonchalantly speaking, "You have to ask old man that question. I'd have you know I didn't voluntarily come here."

Semi's face turned into one of confusion, "Then?"

"I was kidnapped!" M/N pouted as he swiftly moved to the corner of the gym, sulking.

"Uh-huh, likely story. You're telling me that you were carried into this very gym against your own will? Nope, definitely not." Semi shook his head in disbelief as he headed to the corner where M/N rested.

M/N protested, "It's true! Ushijima-san dragged me over here." 

"Now you're telling me that Ushijima-kun was the one who brought you here? Likely story M/N." Semi crossed his arms in pure dubiety. To ever think that Ushijima would do such a thing? Impossibly unimaginable.

"It's true!" M/N demurred.

"Right... Now tell me the real reason that you're here. Don't worry, I'm not upset that you're here, quite the opposite actually. But I'd just like to know." Semi patted M/N's head like he'd do to a child.

M/N pouted. Keeping silent and continuing to sulk.

"Actually, I did bring Akiri-san here." Ushijima spoke up after gazing at the moping M/N.

"Hah?!" Semi was shocked.

"Yeah Semi senpai, we all saw Ushijima senpai carry him in." Goshiki spoke, supporting Ushijima and M/N's statement.

Semi blinked blankly, frozen.
Huh? Ushijima kidnapped his precious M/N? What the heck?


Semi's mother mode on.
"What the heck?!"


Well, earlier Semi had just gone full-on batshit crazy. The old man had to actually step in to stop Semi and the whole chaos in the gym. Which was really surprising since he seemed to be very adamant about not bothering me since I can tell from his face that he wants me to work out more to re-sharpen my instincts. Oh well...

"Brat, introduce yourself." Washijo poked me in the arm.

I shuffled away from Washijo, doing a little forty five degree bow, "Hello everyone, I'm Akiri M/N. But you can call me anytime." I made sure to top it off with a flirty wink, while specifically making eye contact with Semi.

And oh boy did Semi flush. So did some other people, but that doesn't matter right now especially since the old man literally knocked me in the stomach for my introduction.

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