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hey lovebugs



what happen when the 1-A dorms run out of food and need to get more

and it's the bakusquads turn

well let's see


"so what are we down here for i was busy" y/n ask with a hand on her hip and still wearing her bonnet because iida thought it would good for us to start early on the shopping 

"yea bro we were sleeping and it like-.....9 in the morning" kiri says leaning on bakugou who was about to pop a vain just looking at iida


" bakugou language, well has you may know we are out of food, and as class rep this is unacceptable we need food in the dorms and if we do not have food we shall starve then training would not- HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" in the middle of his little rant the three decided to go back to sleep and give two flying fucks about what iida had to say, when that got back to kiri's dorm the where sleep right when they touch the pillows and since it was saturday they could sleep in just some more before the shopping


When i open my eyes i feel the warm sun in my face, i then feel weight on my low body i left the covers to see bakugou in between my thighs and kiri hugging my side i smile and just look up at the ceiling thinking

'you don't actually wash your hands your hands wash each other while you stand there watching like a creep'

"damn thats deep"

"what's deep pebble" kiri say's have awake and have asleep along with that sexy ass morning voice, making y/n jump a little, then turn her head to see kiri looking back at her with those pretty red eyes making y/n smile and kiss his head

"nothing love just thinking" i say looking back up at the ceiling "mmm, hey what time is it?" he ask getting on his elbow, i grab my phone from the nightstand carefully so bakugou doesn't wake up,  i look at the time and it read 


he hmms and sits up back against the headboard

it was quiet, the good one though

"we should probably get up though" kiri sais while looking at y/n not wanting to get up but they had stuff to do and knowing y/n she was going to take awhile

i hmm's and get out of bakugou's grip which was hard as fuck she puts on her bear slippers and turn back to kiri and grab her phone and other things

"i would take a show here and stuff but i need to go check on Mr. Carrot" she then kisses his head and bakugou's

"ok pebble well be at your door whenever your ready, and i'll get everyone else up kay?" y/n nods and says bye and heads to her dorm once she gets there she sees Mr. Carrot on her bed sleeping but gets up to see his mother at the side of the bed looking down at him

"sorry i woke you love ima just go take my shower and get ready, but first i gotta feed you i know your ass his hungry" making Mr. Carrot stomp his foot on the bed making me laugh and get his food ready and clean water, once i was done with that i get in the shower and start doing my morning routine while playing some music

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