🍜Sharing Food🧆

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Hey lovebugs~

⚠️ Picture not mine⚠️


💥 Bakugou 💥

It depends on what mood his in, he doesn't feel like sharing food sometimes but not like y/n cares she'll take it if she damn well please.
But he does enjoy cooking for the two of you, he likes to see his work get put to use, he really likes to cook spicy food much to kiri's dislike so he makes sure not to put anything spicy in his food.
Every since you three got together he made sure to know what your likes and dislike are in food and drinks so he knows what to put in it next time.


🪨 Kirishima 🪨

He absolutely LOVES sharing food.
Need more rice? Here takes his
Want some more to drink? Here take his
If he sees that your running low on food on your plate he'll give you some of his food, even tho bakugou hits him Everytime telling him to eat his shit first before giving shit away.
But he just can't help it he loves to make his women and men happy.
He can't really cook so he'll stay out the kitchen and let you and bakugou do all the cooking.
But he try's.



That's it No.
Touch the food and your ass is grass, she may take other people's food but take hers your ass is done.
She also is good in the kitchen, even tho she likes to eat she also like to cook especially for Kiri and baku she likes to watch there face lit up with joy, well mostly Kiri.


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